Wednesday 2024 April 10, what was your supper?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Some friends came over to commiserate with me and took me out for lupper at a Greek resto. I have eaten the food from there a number of times before. It was delivery. My first time there. It was the same locale as very nice Italian resto that didn't survive the pandemic. I had a psilokomeni salad and a pork souvlaki stick. The salad was huge, even though it was an individual serving. I could finish it. It was delicious as usual.

Later on I made the kind of salad you put on bread, like a tuna salad or an egg salad. I used some of that leftover steak from Sunday night. Cutting it into tiny pieces solved the problem of it being really tough. It tasted pretty darned good.
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Large mild Italian sausage, shallot, tiny pasta shells with thyme flavoured butter.
Meant to throw in some snow peas but got distracted.
Helped son to push one side of laundry tub while he tried to reconnect pipes under it. How the heck it came apart is anybody's guess. At least now I won't think it is the rain leaking in from somewhere while doing the laundry. :cautious:
Dinner on Wednesday was beef and broccoli with jasmine rice.

Some friends came over to commiserate with me and took me out for lupper at a Greek resto. I have eaten the food from there a number of times before. It was delivery. My first time there. It was the same locale as very nice Italian resto that didn't survive the pandemic. I had a psilokomeni salad and a pork souvlaki stick. The salad was huge, even though it was an individual serving. I could finish it. It was delicious as usual.

Later on I made the kind of salad you put on bread, like a tuna salad or an egg salad. I used some of that leftover steak from Sunday night. Cutting it into tiny pieces solved the problem of it being really tough. It tasted pretty darned good.
Sounds like you had quite the food adventure!! Greek food is always a treat, especially when shared with friends. Psilokomeni salad and pork souvlaki stick sound like delicious choices. And repurposing leftover steak into a salad is a smart move – waste not, want not! Since you're into salads, have you ever tried incorporating high fiber foods like beans, lentils, or quinoa? They add a satisfying texture and are great for your digestive health. Just a thought for your next culinary experiment!
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I grocery shopped on Wednesday. Came home tired. After putting the perishables away, I plopped on the futon. Himself suggested that he run out to get something, but we couldn't figure out what we wanted! Honestly, if I had cereal in the house it might have been supper. 😂 We took so long discussing dinner that I got my second wind. More like a breeze, though. I pan fried Italian sausage and sautéed peppers and onions. Made open face sandwiches with marinara and mozzarella cheese on top and broiled them to melt the cheese.
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