Vegetarian recipes wanted!

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Assistant Cook
Oct 7, 2023
Kraków, Poland
Hello everyone!
I'm new here and I would like to start my cooking journey. I'm looking for vegetarian recipes for students. I hope you will help me with this!:D
How about a pot of stone soup? 🤔


How old are your students?

I would start with a discussion of the simple vegetarian foods that we all grew up with before getting into anything too exotic and unfamiliar.

The results of that discussion should give you some ideas of why the students are interested in vegetarian eating and what they are curious to learn.

Welcome to DC!
Welcome to DC! I agree with Aunt Bee. Also do let us know how old your students are and whether they are seeking vegetarian dishes for health, social, or to expand culture-awareness!
My favorite vegetarian dish is kind of complicated, but it's basically a rice based dish with a cilantro/garlic/tomatillo/sour cream based sauce. Add in tomatoes, black beans, corn, some feta....Ugh so good.
Oh well, uhh, I don't have pictures of it right now but I can tell a step by step. I basically riffed off something I ate at Panera when I used to work there (their Baja grain bowl) and it was delicious.

What you need!
Fresh garlic (3 or 4 cloves)
Pickled sliced jalapenos (8-10 slices)
Cilantro (1 bunch)
Sour cream or Yogurt (3-4 cups or to taste). I use sour cream but yogurt is fine too. Just more tangy and a little
Fresh Tomatillos (8-9)
Long grain rice
Cherry tomatoes (1 pint)
Feta cheese
1/2 yellow onion (you could use red or white as it's going to be pickles but I gravitate toward yellow as it's what I grew up with)
1 can corn
1 can black beans
3 or 4 avocadoes
Sour cream to dollop on top! (Optional)

The Sauce:
Sliced Pickled jalapenos (8 slices or to taste)
1 bunch fresh cilantro (I like Aldi brand as its stems are thin enough to be blended and not be super tough)
Tomatillos (8 or 9)
Fresh garlic (2 or 3 cloves)
3 cups sour cream or yogurt

Take tomatillos and remove papery skins and remove stem and core out that tougher core under the stem. Boil 10 minutes or roast 325 for 10 minutes until tomatillos are cooked (as tomatillos are poisonous raw apparently: I've made this sauce with uncooked tomatillos and I'm still breathing but better safe than sorry). Put tomatillos in a blender along with cilantro and stems chopped into 1 in pieces. Add 3 cloves peeled minced garlic and pickled jalapenos and blend.
Do NOT add sour cream/yogurt to the blender during this step as sour cream/yogurt liquify due to the intense spinning blades of the blender. After this is blended well, remove from the blender and stir in the sour cream or yogurt by hand. Thin out this thick consistency to your liking with milk or water, taste it and if it needs more spice add cayenne, more acid add a little lime juice, and store in the fridge.

How I cook my rice! Or skip this section!
I prefer in my Revereware pot on the stove. Put a ratio of 1 cup long grain rice to 1.5 cups water in a pot, put the lid on, and crank the heat to high until you see steam coming out from under the lid. Then put the heat on it's lowest setting and leave it 15 minutes. After it's done immediately remove it from the burner to a not hot burner and let it sit 5 minutes covered, then uncover it briefly and stir it from the bottom to get the rice from the bottom off the bottom so it doesn't overcook and get mushy. After this put the lid back on and let it chill for 30 minutes to an hour, then eat!

After rice is cooked, add a little (1 tsp) lime juice and any cilantro if you have some left over you didn't add to the sauce.

Take your corn, drain it, then take the black beans, drain and rinse them, and mix them into the corn.

Take your 1/2 onion and dice it. Mix up 1/4 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup water and about 1 Tbsp. sugar and pour it over the onion and let it sit 15 minutes to quickly pickle the onion.

Cut your cherry tomatoes in half, crumble however much feta you want in your bowl, and slice half your avocado. Then get ready to assemble your food!

I go rice, sauce, corn/bean mix, tomatoes, cheese, and avocado! Finish with sour cream if you want. You could also add chicken to this, but it honestly isn't needed. Cheers!
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Thanks 😊. I've tweaked a lot of recipes in my 14 years of cooking. (I'm 28.). I also love adding sourdough discard scraps into bread dough to make it more tangy. Pairs wonderful in rolls when you top them with a sweet honey/cinnamon compote butter.
How about a pot of stone soup? 🤔

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How old are your students?

I would start with a discussion of the simple vegetarian foods that we all grew up with before getting into anything too exotic and unfamiliar.

The results of that discussion should give you some ideas of why the students are interested in vegetarian eating and what they are curious to learn.

Welcome to DC!
I'm sooo sorry, we misunderstood each other :(

I don't have any students, I'm a university student and I'm looking for easy recipes that can be easily prepared and taken to university.

But still thank you a lot! I would talk about vegetarian eating with my little siblings😊
Welcome to DC! I agree with Aunt Bee. Also do let us know how old your students are and whether they are seeking vegetarian dishes for health, social, or to expand culture-awareness!
Thank you!
Just what i wrote to Aunt Bee, I'm a student myslef🤭
Oh well, uhh, I don't have pictures of it right now but I can tell a step by step. I basically riffed off something I ate at Panera when I used to work there (their Baja grain bowl) and it was delicious.

What you need!
Fresh garlic (3 or 4 cloves)
Pickled sliced jalapenos (8-10 slices)
Cilantro (1 bunch)
Sour cream or Yogurt (3-4 cups or to taste). I use sour cream but yogurt is fine too. Just more tangy and a little
Fresh Tomatillos (8-9)
Long grain rice
Cherry tomatoes (1 pint)
Feta cheese
1/2 yellow onion (you could use red or white as it's going to be pickles but I gravitate toward yellow as it's what I grew up with)
1 can corn
1 can black beans
3 or 4 avocadoes
Sour cream to dollop on top! (Optional)

The Sauce:
Sliced Pickled jalapenos (8 slices or to taste)
1 bunch fresh cilantro (I like Aldi brand as its stems are thin enough to be blended and not be super tough)
Tomatillos (8 or 9)
Fresh garlic (2 or 3 cloves)
3 cups sour cream or yogurt

Take tomatillos and remove papery skins and remove stem and core out that tougher core under the stem. Boil 10 minutes or roast 325 for 10 minutes until tomatillos are cooked (as tomatillos are poisonous raw apparently: I've made this sauce with uncooked tomatillos and I'm still breathing but better safe than sorry). Put tomatillos in a blender along with cilantro and stems chopped into 1 in pieces. Add 3 cloves peeled minced garlic and pickled jalapenos and blend.
Do NOT add sour cream/yogurt to the blender during this step as sour cream/yogurt liquify due to the intense spinning blades of the blender. After this is blended well, remove from the blender and stir in the sour cream or yogurt by hand. Thin out this thick consistency to your liking with milk or water, taste it and if it needs more spice add cayenne, more acid add a little lime juice, and store in the fridge.

How I cook my rice! Or skip this section!
I prefer in my Revereware pot on the stove. Put a ratio of 1 cup long grain rice to 1.5 cups water in a pot, put the lid on, and crank the heat to high until you see steam coming out from under the lid. Then put the heat on it's lowest setting and leave it 15 minutes. After it's done immediately remove it from the burner to a not hot burner and let it sit 5 minutes covered, then uncover it briefly and stir it from the bottom to get the rice from the bottom off the bottom so it doesn't overcook and get mushy. After this put the lid back on and let it chill for 30 minutes to an hour, then eat!

After rice is cooked, add a little (1 tsp) lime juice and any cilantro if you have some left over you didn't add to the sauce.

Take your corn, drain it, then take the black beans, drain and rinse them, and mix them into the corn.

Take your 1/2 onion and dice it. Mix up 1/4 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup water and about 1 Tbsp. sugar and pour it over the onion and let it sit 15 minutes to quickly pickle the onion.

Cut your cherry tomatoes in half, crumble however much feta you want in your bowl, and slice half your avocado. Then get ready to assemble your food!

I go rice, sauce, corn/bean mix, tomatoes, cheese, and avocado! Finish with sour cream if you want. You could also add chicken to this, but it honestly isn't needed. Cheers!
Sound perfect! Thank you a lot!
I'm sooo sorry, we misunderstood each other :(

I don't have any students, I'm a university student and I'm looking for easy recipes that can be easily prepared and taken to university.

But still thank you a lot! I would talk about vegetarian eating with my little siblings😊
I apologize but my answer is still much the same.

What were the vegetarian meals that you grew up with and what foods do you enjoy, what equipment do you have acces to, etc…

It could be a PB&J sandwich on whole grain bread with a piece of fruit or hummus with raw vegetables and whole grain crackers.

Here is an easy hummus recipe.

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Pizza is always good. You can add whatever you want to it! Personally I love the Chicago deep dish or very thin and crispy crusts. The first would travel well. The second, not so much.
Hi Hanioza,
I'm kind of the token Vegetarian in the group here. I've been vegetarian over 30 years and my wife is vegan. I'm sure all the other fine cooks on the forum , along with myself, could find a bunch of things you can make/ bring to the university.

Do you have somewhere you can heat things up at the university? or just looking for things you can eat at room temperature or cold?

Are there any specific kinds of food/ cuisines you are interested in ?

Welcome aboard!
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