Using up two overripe bananas

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Had 2 over ripe bananas.
Mashed them up with 2 Tbs of peanut butter
Spread it out on a silicone mat that goes in the dehydrator.
(Probably about 1/4 - 1/8 of an inch. I learned my lesson when I spread it to thin with peaches and got peach crisps)
Sprnkled with chocolate chips and chopped walnuts.
Set at about 130F
Let it dehydrate for about 8 hours ( Maybe a little longer)
Removed and let cool to room temp ( as the chocolate chips were soft and needed to harden)
Rolled them up.

They were terrific. All it needed was whipped cream to dip them in.

One thing Id do different is toast the walnuts before sprinkling them on. I think the flavor would have been that much better.


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Sounds delicious.

When I used to make fruit leather, a couple years ago, I had to remind myself to always include a fruit that had pectin, to get a leather that is pliable.
I dried them on coated parchment. Then when they were done, I cut strips of the fruit w/the parchment, and rolled them with the parchment, tied them with string. That worked to keep them from sticking together.

I should be doing that now but my dehydrator is tied up with drying smoked peppers. I'll probably get to it soon though, we have a tree loaded with pears and another with apples and my husband likes the fruit leather to take on his metal detecting trips w/friends.
I did peaches a few weeks ago, and either spread them too thin, heat was too high, in too long or all of the above, and now I have peach crisps. Still good, just very crunchy .
I just peeled 20 bananas for our big batch nice-cream. I put them in the freezer. When they are solid, I will thaw for about an hour. While they are half frozen, put them in the food processor and whip them fast (to get air into them), and I add frozen blueberries or peaches or strawberries, for different kinds. Then it is best to eat fresh, but it can be frozen in containers to eat at another time. I thaw it for about 30 seconds and then scoop and we serve it with strawberry puree or cocoa nibs.

I'll either make it tonight or tomorrow morning. Oil free, refined sugar free dessert.
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