Turmeric recall due to lead content

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Update: Gel Spice, Inc. Issues Expanded Recall of Ground Tumeric Powder Due to Elevated Lead Levels

Gel Spice, Inc. is expanding its recall of ground turmeric powder to include additional brands because of elevated lead levels.*Lead can accumulate in the body over time. Too much can cause health problems, including delayed mental and physical development and learning deficiencies. Pregnant women, infants and young children especially should avoid exposure to lead. People concerned about blood lead levels should contact their physician or health clinic to ask about testing.

View this page to see the brands that have been recalled: Update: Gel Spice, Inc. Issues Expanded Recall of Ground Tumeric Powder Due to Elevated Lead Levels
I take turmeric curcumin as a dietary supplement. It appears that all of the warnings are for kitchen spices.

I started taking the supplement until the sharp shooting pains in my gut made me reread the label more carefully... and lo and behold people with acid reflux and other stomach issues should NOT take it. LOL the pains stopped in a day when I quit.

So I stick to spicing up my food with some turmeric in my freezer that I grate up and add. I use the powder too but prefer the real root if I can.

I don't recognize any of those brands here in Canada but I will definitely keep my eyes open. But... I also usually purchase whole spices from Asian markets or the 'Bulk Barn'.

It would have helped if the "Warning" had said how the lead got in it!

Thanks for the "heads up" GG
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