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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
It was past time to replace our ancient Black and Decker toaster oven. It still worked okay for baking and toasting, other than it was taking forever to heat up. So, we decided to get a Tovala. We upgraded to the oven with the steam option. The meals start at $9.99 and up for 1 serving. Breakfast meals are $6.99. That's a bit expensive, but still cheaper than eating out or even buying the pre-made meals at Publix, which were $12.99 the couple times I bought them.

The meals come in individual little boxes with everything in them. You scan the QRC and then press start. Not only does the oven make a noise, but you get a notification via the app on your phone when you meal is done. The oven turns itself off after you open the door.

They also have recipes you can make from scratch. They even encourage you to reuse the heavy foil baking dishes your meals cook in for frittatas, cakes bread, etc.

Craig had his meal, a Carne asada bowl, and stated it was pretty good. I'm still waiting on mine. Scanned the QRC and then forgot to press start. Duh!

Just got done with my meal, ricotta stuffed shells with bechamel and a pork ragu. The shells weren't anything special, but were good. The pork ragu was delish. It was a little too much for me so Craig got about 1/4 of mine. I think he wished he had mine instead of his.
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I was curious about this, but then I figured out that I think it may require an Internet connection, etc. I was thinking it might be good for Mom, but she doesn't have wifi or a smart phone...or even a computer.

Will be interested to hear what you think of it!
You don't HAVE to have WiFi to run the oven, though you do when you first set up and obviously if you want your phone to tell you your food is done. But, you have to have internet to order the meals.

It's easy for me to operate other than forgetting to push start of course, but the test will be when Craig starts to use it. He's never been great with new electronics, but since the accident and stroke, he's had more and more trouble, so we'll see.
You don't HAVE to have WiFi to run the oven, though you do when you first set up and obviously if you want your phone to tell you your food is done. But, you have to have internet to order the meals.

It's easy for me to operate other than forgetting to push start of course, but the test will be when Craig starts to use it. He's never been great with new electronics, but since the accident and stroke, he's had more and more trouble, so we'll see.
I read somewhere that "they" are always updating and tweaking I figured the oven needs a connection?
I know they add new recipes and new partners. I haven't seen anything about software, but that doesn't mean they don't. Time will tell.

Found out though that you do need WiFi to use the scan QRC and automatically cook though.
Just made breakfast in 2 of the foil pans from last night, used a recipe from the Tovala app. Tore up some deli ham into little pieces, grated some cheese, mixed eggs with some heavy cream, S and P, poured it in, hit the start button on my phone in the app, sat down while it baked. Used a small bowl for the eggs, a microplane for the cheese, 2 forks, 2 of the foil dishes from last night's meals, and a couple of plates, but the plates weren't strictly necessary, could have used hot mats or folded dishtowels to hold. Tossed the foil pans since there was egg residue baked on them.

I'm liking this. Quick, minimal clean-up. Can't get better than that!
Another Tovala meal. We both had the same thing, herb roasted chicken breast with Italian salsa verde and cheese ravioli with a marinara. The chicken breast was cooked perfectly, done but still moist. Both meals cooked together. We'd be happy to have this at a restaurant.
More Tovala meals last night. Swiss dijon chicken melt with roasted Brussel sprouts dressed with a mustard bacon vinaigrette. Craig had sesame soy braised beef with peppers and onions, and roasted broccoli over white rice, garnished with sriracha. We'd have both again.


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