Time bomb cherry peppers

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I have seven of these beauties:


I got them with my produce basket. The are called time bomb cherry peppers

What would you do with them? I have looked for recipes on the web, but most of those recipes use cherry peppers from a jar.

I was hoping for a recipe to stuff them with something yummy and then roast them.
Most cherry peppers are pickled, thus that's what the recipes that call for cherries are usually calling for. There are a lot of recipes calling for fresh Fresno peppers, and that's something you could use a cherry pepper in place of, especially if you are looking for a little less heat. They should be about the same amount of minced pepper, since it's also a thick fleshed pepper.
You can use any meat filling recipe you like to stuff them. I made a take on a Turkish ground lamb mixture to stuff green peppers from the garden. I think it was something like ground lamb, minced onion and garlic, dried mint and oregano, sumac, S&P. Not sure what else I may have added. You can find recipes for kofte that are similar. Or you can use your frikadellar recipe.

We roasted some for dinner that night and froze some for a future dinner.
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