Sunday At Ma's November 3, 2013

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Chef Extraordinaire
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Sep 30, 2004
I'm feeding my gang what are you planning? I have ribs going, planning to make mac and cheese with Cheddar ,Monterey jack Parmesan, in a white sauce, green salad with tomato, red onion, avocado, garlic bread bbq sauce to go over the ribs apple sauce with cinnamon. Ok that's what we are having how about you. Care to share? Oh almost forgot Ice cream with either fudge sauce or caramel.
Mmm....sounds good, kades. And you are getting an early start. :yum:

The cream of potato soup posts got to me :LOL: so today's menu will be a variation of that - I have some broccoli that needs used, so it will be cream of broccoli and potato soup. Will need to get going on the prep work for that in a bit. :)
Cooking at Zhizara's

I'm going full throttle in the kitchen today. Shopping was Friday so I've got lots of goodies.

Yesterday I cooked up a nice thick hunk of turkey neck and made stock. I saved 2 cups of the stock to make gravy for stew and stripped off the neck meat this morning.

I couldn't find a 1# bag of regular carrots so I'm simmering a whole 2# for the freezer minus enough for the stew, and enough for the dilled mashed potatoes.

Ready to start: 2 sliced yellow squash and a pack of green onions

Next: 3 big russet potatoes for garlic mashed and dilled potatoes mashed with some of the carrots

I need more taco meat so I've got the hamburger and some ground sausage thawing to start later.

I think that's enough to keep me busy today!
Morning kades!

The time changed for us last night, and for some unearthly reason I was wide awake at 430 this morning! I prepped a meatloaf for dinner tonight, and I think there will be mashed potatoes with gravy, some fresh corn I blanched and froze this summer, and then home made Saskatoon pie with ice cream and coffee for dessert. I did all the prep at 6 am, had my first coffee and was out the door by 8. Now I'm ready for a nap :LOL:
Mmm....sounds good, kades. And you are getting an early start. :yum: The cream of potato soup posts got to me :LOL: so today's menu will be a variation of that - I have some broccoli that needs used, so it will be cream of broccoli and potato soup. Will need to get going on the prep work for that in a bit. :)

This sounds great Cheryl!
so this is how harry's sunday unfolded.gales abated,rain stopped,sun came out "'arry" thinks i,"'arry it's a perfect day to visit mum" so off i toddles towards chester to pay a surprise visit on ma.i stopped off at tesco to pick up some flowers,a box of mum's favourite "lindt suisse pralines" & a bag of prawn crackers...mum loves her prawn crackers and,even at 98 years of age she is still bright as a button with a killer right hook...forget the prawn crackers at your peril m'lad:ohmy:!!whilst in said emporium of delights i was wondering what to cook for my evening i walked past the butchery dept i happened to notice they were flogging off fillet steak tips about £8/$12 per kilo £4/$6 per lb cheaper than the mid cuts.quick as a flash(flash harry:rolleyes:!)i thought beef stroganoff.perfect for a quick & easy meal with bags of flavour.few simple ingredients,few minutes prep & even less time to cook...perfick!!
beef stroganoff served,as they do in parts of russia & iran,with matchstick fries.washed down with smirnoff black & tonic on the rocks...colder than a cossacks nose(in keeping with the dishes soviet origins) huzzah!!


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Repeat of last night's menu since there were loads and loads of leftovers and we'll be eating at a friend's home tomorrow night. Rather not keep things too long in the fridge, lest they become UFOs - unidentified food objects.
It's going to be a simple supper tonight. Cut up some potatoes and boil them up in a pot. When they are about halfway cooked I'll throw in a good hunk of Polish Sausage. We'll have a cucumber salad with sour cream and a nice piece of Beinesticht for dessert.
I announced "It's meatloaf today" and heard back "I don't think the 49ers are playing today". One of the strangest I've heard, so whatever I put with the meatloaf probably doesn't matter.
Yummy sounding meals here. I can never get enough meatloaf, still have some sliced and frozen for when that meatloaf sammie hankerin' comes along. :yum:

Harry, sounds like you and your momma had such a nice Sunday. 98 years! Good son, ya are. :) Great looking stroganoff....I've been craving that lately, too....and yes, it must include real sour cream! :yum:
Zhizara, your post reminded me that I need to pick up some turkey necks at the market for Thanksgiving - it sure does make for some wonderful gravy. :yum:
Yummy sounding meals here. I can never get enough meatloaf, still have some sliced and frozen for when that meatloaf sammie hankerin' comes along. :yum:

Harry, sounds like you and your momma had such a nice Sunday. 98 years! Good son, ya are. :) Great looking stroganoff....I've been craving that lately, too....and yes, it must include real sour cream! :yum:
thanks chezza.yeah it was a nice day.good son?maybe....caused her a few tears over the years that's for sure!
the stroga? yep,it's gotta be fillet steak,gotta be sour cream too:yum:!
steak,shallots,mushrooms,parsley,sour cream,paprika,salt,pepper,butter & lemon juice.that's wine,no stock,no peppers..just a few simple ingredients,prepped & cooked in minutes:yum:
We had asperagus soup and a dynamite lasagna with homemade yeast rolls. Won't be doing much cooking for the next two weeks. It will be fast food until the weekend.
I'm glad I reminded you Cheryl. I'm hoping to inspire people to use this wonderful stuff.

Turkey necks make the most incredible broth/stock. It doesn't really taste particularly like turkey, it has it's own bold flavor. I make my stock with nothing but water. I keep back 2 cups of broth and add two packets of gravy mix to that for the turkey neck stew. The meat from the neck is always really tender and makes a really yummy stew. The rest of the broth is stored in the freezer and makes an incredible liquid for making rice. Bold flavor.

I'm lucky that I have turkey necks easily available here in New Orleans.
We made the 45 minute trip to Costco. So dinner was sampler gummy vitamins, snack mix with the yummy pumpernickel things, a couple of sausages, and a couple bites of the turkey cheese melt sandwich that goes for $3.99 at the food court. Oh, and a Lindor Truffle and 5 Kirkland brand Ancient Grains crackers. Which are really good, BTW.

I'm stuffed. If DH wants anything else, he can help himself to the leftover potato soup.
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I'm making burgers. It's been a while since we've had them. I picked up some macaroni salad and some redskin potato salad to go with them. I'll fry up some bacon strips to fancy up the burgers.
We made the 45 minute trip to Costco. So dinner was sampler gummy vitamins, snack mix with the yummy pumpernickel things, a couple of sausages, and a couple bites of the turkey cheese melt sandwich that goes for $3.99 at the food court. Oh, and a Lindor Truffle and 5 Kirkland brand Ancient Grains crackers. Which are really good, BTW.

I'm stuffed. If DH wants anything else, he can help himself to the leftover potato soup.

I love the little goodie offerings at Costco, can make a meal of those. :LOL: The closest one to me is about an hour and a half so I don't get there often. I love the Kirkland Ancient Grains crackers, too!

Same with Trader Joe's, they always have samples so it helps to know what to buy. Again though, about an hour and a half away. :LOL:
I'm glad I reminded you Cheryl. I'm hoping to inspire people to use this wonderful stuff.

Turkey necks make the most incredible broth/stock. It doesn't really taste particularly like turkey, it has it's own bold flavor. I make my stock with nothing but water. I keep back 2 cups of broth and add two packets of gravy mix to that for the turkey neck stew. The meat from the neck is always really tender and makes a really yummy stew. The rest of the broth is stored in the freezer and makes an incredible liquid for making rice. Bold flavor.

I'm lucky that I have turkey necks easily available here in New Orleans.

Yes, they do, and thanks for your tips. :yum: I also usually try to have pork necks on hand in the freezer for bean soups....necks are awesome, they have so much flavor and the meat is so tender.
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