Sugar Cookie Question

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I made some lemon sugar cookies earlier this week. As I was sitting back and enjoying these little lovelies with a glass of cold milk, a thought popped into my head:

Sugar cookie texture. Should they be crisp and snap in two when bitten or firm but not so brittle they will break when bitten (definite bite mark left behind).
My personal take on a sugar cookie... (and it really depends on what you want... ) are a need to hold their shape for cookie cutters. Need to be sweet but not so sweet as to be gaggy because they were created to be decorate with frosting.... ain't that the reason for sugar cookies to have been invented??? ;) I had so much fun that day!


To quote myself.... it really depends on what you want...

and to quote you...
there are recipes that will give you ... crisp and snap in two when bitten
and then there are recipes that will give you ... firm but not so brittle they will break when bitten (definite bite mark left behind).

to boot... you can use the same recipe to get both of the above. If you roll them thin, they will be crisper than if you roll them thick.
My personal take on a sugar cookie... (and it really depends on what you want... ) are a need to hold their shape for cookie cutters. Need to be sweet but not so sweet as to be gaggy because they were created to be decorate with frosting.... ain't that the reason for sugar cookies to have been invented??? ;) I had so much fun that day!

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Oh my goodness, those are pretty. Nice attention to detail. I wouldn't have the patience.
I prefer the one that’s in front of me. 😉

I like soft cutouts or drop sugar cookies but also enjoy a crisp snickerdoodle type sugar cookie.

The italian style doughy lemon balls dipped in lemon glaze are good but so are the crumbly lemon shortbread cookies.

I suppose that my favorite lemon treat is an old fashioned lemon bar.

I prefer the one that’s in front of me. 😉

I like soft cutouts or drop sugar cookies but also enjoy a crisp snickerdoodle type sugar cookie.

The italian style doughy lemon balls dipped in lemon glaze are good but so are the crumbly lemon shortbread cookies.

I suppose that my favorite lemon treat is an old fashioned lemon bar.

I'm going to try that recipe. Thks. 😊
I made some lemon sugar cookies earlier this week. As I was sitting back and enjoying these little lovelies with a glass of cold milk, a thought popped into my head:

Sugar cookie texture. Should they be crisp and snap in two when bitten or firm but not so brittle they will break when bitten (definite bite mark left behind).

Really depends on personal taste.
I would usually choose shortbread cookies. They give you more of a "melt in your mouth" texture.
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