Saturday, December 2, 2023, we ate, did anybody else?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Since our Thanksgiving dinner wasn't traditional, Craig wanted a second one. So, a smaller version, spatchcocked bird cooked on top of dressing, so making stuffing, gravy, green beans, and his version of sweet potatoes made in the style of bananas foster.
I made a Swiss chard salad last night, with some of that "last harvest" - a recipe that I saw in bon apétit:

I had 12 oz of ditalini left from something, so I just increased everything in the recipe a little, and still didn't use all of the chard. Turned out really good, and I'll definitely be making this in the summer, when I love to make these kind of salads, with some variations, like some grains or lentils, replacing some of the pasta. This time, I used hazelnuts in place of pistachios, since that's what I had in the freezer, and they were really good.
The sliced up stems from the Swiss chard, starting to cook for the pasta salad. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The chard stems cooked for 4 minutes, with the hazelnuts added, and cooked about 2 minutes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The chard leaves after cooking about 2 minutes in the residual heat, until wilted. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished Swiss Chard pasta salad. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I ate some of that for breakfast this morning, with the chill taken off by about 10 sec in the microwave.
I had a variety plate of planned overs, minestrone soup with kale/mustard and ww rotini. It was good. I made another little (4-5 servings) of chocolate pie, crust of dates and oatmeal, pie of cocoa, tofu, honey, vanilla, and naked pb powder. It's beyond rich and delicious. I'll make another between Christmas and New Years.
We went to Medieval Times with friends and cheered for the Yellow Knight who battled bravely (and tossed me a flower.) :flowers:

The menu was tomato bisque, roasted chicken with potato and corn, and a small pastry for dessert.

The food was decent for a mass-produced meal. Anyone who has attended a convention will understand what I mean by "Convention Chicken." The entertainment was campy and fun. A falconer really blew us away with the falcon flying about and swooping around the crowd only to land back with his handler.
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