Sat. Nov. 25, '23 Dinner

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
I saw this excellent and easier way to make sushi (whole food plant based-ish). Instead of nori it used a rice paper and nori into square packages. No rolling, easy to assemble.

The filling for us is white sticky rice w/sugar/salt/vinegar, tempeh that is seasoned, red/yellow bell peppers, and then sprinkled with black sesame seeds. I crisped them up in the air fryer.

Mr bliss didn't like the rice paper. I don't blame him. But it was fun to make and he did like the filling.
I baked boneless chicken thighs in parchment paper and served them on a bed of spaghetti with a garlic butter sauce. Moist and delicious, but not as tender as I had hoped. Next time I plan to marinade the chicken in teriyaki sauce with rice vinegar; that should soften them up.
I had the last six sausages, the second half of the honey sesame chicken breast, and a bowl of shrimp won ton soup. And strawberries with sugar on top since I ran out of whipping cream.
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