Ricotta stuffed tomatoes in a pepper sauce

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
This stuff really tasted great.
I made some ricotta and the gardens provided onions and tomatoes and chard and garlic and peppers.

One onion, 7-2 foot sections of swiss chard. About 1 and 1/2 cup cooked.

One onion, 3 garlic cloves, 4 green sweet peppers, chicken soup base with water.
Hollowed out tomatoes.

So I was trying to figure out something to make. At first I thought mushroom caps, stuffed, yum. But they are expensive and I've got tomatoes so I hollowed them out.

I used bethzaring's recipe recommendation for an enchilada sauce but with sweet green bell peppers. Peppers, onion, garlic, some chicken broth or soup base with water, then zap it with an immersion blender.

I chopped up swiss chard and cooked it with onion, in water which I boiled off, then mixed it with ricotta.

Season each part of it with some s&p and I added some nutmeg to the ricotta mixture.

I filled the tomatoes and then poured the pepper sauce on top and around them, baked them for 30 minutes at 350 deg F.

Turned out yummy and no extra (flour sugar) carbs.
That sounds delicious blissful. Making your own ricotta is awesome, I keep forgetting about that! Now I remember doing it. I think I stopped because I evaluated the effort vs the cost and discovered that the yield I got from the milk was about the same cost as buying ricotta already made. But, I like doing stuff myself from scratch, I dont always do that, and take some store-bought shortcuts sometimes. But I really admire someone like you who is making their own ricotta, growing their own vegetables and putting all those available ingredients in to a creative dish thinking "outside the box".

Sounds/reads like your garden is producing well for you still. I didn't plant any fall vegetables this year and my tomatoes are already gone. They got the "ick" again and I stopped keeping up with the anti-fungal applications and they died off early. I did get some regular size and a bunch of cherry tomatoes though. Just finished the last of the cherries the other night... I'm going to miss them. My peppers did not do well this season for some reason, I usually have jalapenos and Hungarian wax peppers burying me at the last minute first frost harvest, trying to give them away, pickling, etc., but this year I've still had to buy peppers all summer to supplement my poor yield.

Were these stuffed tomatoes a meal or did you have another protein with them?
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No other protein, but if you eat meat then I bet some italian sausage would be good in them.

Oh the ricotta, I was making colby cheese the other day and the whey looked pretty nice, so I poured a cup or so of milk in the whey, heated it, added vinegar, then strained it.
We just had the last of my homemade Italian sausage links last night for dinner! I have got to do that again, the absolute best Italian sausage I've ever had in my life, I hope my recipe is exact and I didn't make any variations I didn't notate...I have a bad habit of doing that.

You are right, Italian sausage would be excellent in those stuffed tomatoes. With the enchilada sauce, chorizo would be probably be really good too.

You must be quite the homemade cook if you are also making your own colby...THEN using the byproduct whey to make ricotta!:clap:
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