Replace Kale with Spinach?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I found this recipe which I really like the sound of - except the Kale. I've developed an intense dislike of Kale and was wondering if spinach could be a substitute, albeit very limp sub but still a green and (to me) tasty add in.

Zuppa Tuscana
Use what you have.

I think that it would be a great way to use the tough dark green outer stalks of romaine.

If you use baby spinach or frozen spinach I would add it at the very end of the cooking time.

This is an old thread where we discussed variations of this soup.

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Oh my, what a great thread! Thank you Aunt Bea.

I like the idea with the white beans but I will stick with the spinach, LOL.
I don't have a lot of freezer room anymore, guess that means I will be really reducing size.

I throw spinach in everything - from breakfast eggs, either under a poached egg or folded in an omelette type, or into my Won Ton soups, salads plus I use it instead of lettuce n sandwiches - my lettuce always goes slimy before I
can use it up- so rarely buy it much, but I do like Romaine.
With ricotta to stuff Giant Shells.

and I miss you Cheryl, Dawglover, Kayelle, tenspeed! Come on back in from the cold and have some soup with us!
Spinach would be good, but since it's supposedly an Italian recipe, escarole or bietola da coster (Swiss chard) would also be an appropriate green.
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Honestly? I like Romaine, Spinach, Endives (some) and that's about the limit of my bitter greens. and yeah, I know endives are white (or supposed to be).
When I make this soup for myself, I leave out the heavy cream or half and half and add a splash to each individual serving after I reheat it in the microwave.

If I don’t have cream, I stir a couple tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese into each serving.
Yep, you can't beat spinach! I keep a bag of frozen spinach in the freezer and add it to anything that requires an extra bit of green! (And certainly no problem replacing Kale with it.)
I like a variety of greens so I switch out one kind in a recipe for another depending on what I have available.
I replace spinach with other greens (I have trouble growing spinach - no matter when, where, or what kind, it bolts!), though usually other brassicas, not kale. And sometimes Swiss chard - I have some of that now. All depends on what I have! A lot of Indian recipes call for spinach, and I see surprisingly few recipes with other greens, but I substitute all the time, and I'm sure you could do the reverse.
I was going to say to go ahead, but add it at the last second. I make an Italian sausage and white bean soup that calls for kale. But, Chef John says to use whatever green you want and to put the more tender ones in at the end. I usualy substitute rainbow chard for the kale. It is however just about the only way I like kale. It holds up well in the soup. You just chop it enough that you aren't getting a mouthful of the chewy greens in every bite.
Great ideas, as usual, Aunt Bea!

Although I mostly use fresh spinach, like you Katy, I keep a bag in the freezer. I buy the frozen in cubes type... until the other day I discovered I had picked up a box of solid frozen. Argh... when all you want is a cube!

Of course, guys, adding greens at the end is Spinach 101! ;)
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