PPPC-II. It's baaaack...

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My Personal Pigskin Challenge had me looking at Chicago today. It would have been too easy to slap some ribs on "Da Grill", so I stepped outside my box again and found my bag of flour... again. Man, two weeks in a row.
So today it was Chicago deep dish stuffed pizza, in the style of Giordanos.


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Too cool for school, :LOL:

Thanks guys.
I'll be making this again. If only to get a handle on laying that dough in the pan :wacko:
Roll the flattened dough onto the rolling pin, then center & roll it on the pan starting at one edge, press it by hand into the pan.
pac, you've inspired me to try and make this. I mean, I've had more experience playing with flour and yeast so I'm ahead of the game, right? :ermm: :ROFLMAO: I must say that one-4th piece of pie looks a WHOLE lot better than that 4th quarter of the game.
The dough making actually went pretty good, but pressing it into the pan while working the air bubbles out took a long time before I started getting anywhere. It was worth it though. The top layer of dough went on pretty easily.
The dough making actually went pretty good, but pressing it into the pan while working the air bubbles out took a long time before I started getting anywhere. It was worth it though. The top layer of dough went on pretty easily.

Don't work out the air bubbles. Poke em with a skewer.
Thanks for the Dropkick Murphy's.

For some strange reason, they stick to the Boston area. They choose to stay close to home. The Pirate hangs out with them along with his youngest son when they are in town and not working. Which is not often. (Thank goodness!) The Pirate's youngest son is a musician and likes to play with them in practice. :angel:
I think a single hole that I can seal back up would be more practical.
But I imagine the second, third, fourth pie will go easier.
That looks really good Pac. I found a Utube video that might be the one you followed and I'm going to try this! Lots of filling!!
Thanks, Carol.
If it's the one from the guy with the chubby hands and around 12 minutes long, that was it. The only thing I did different was NOT precook the sausage. I put in the raw pieces like Giordano's does and it cooked just fine and I didn't notice any excess grease.
I think a single hole that I can seal back up would be more practical.
But I imagine the second, third, fourth pie will go easier.

I think a skewer works better for thicker dough, the docker is better for a thinner, stiffer, dough.

BTW.. the pie did look great. I am a HUGE fan of Giordanos Pizza.

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