Pleasant Surprise

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I always have a po of planted scallions that I can bring inside during the winter so I have them year round. This pot must have been either close to the bird feeder, or under a sunflower. This is what popped up. Looking forward to getting back outside .


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It's been an odd sort of winter so far. I believe we are all looking forward to spring. Have not seen any signs of dandelions yet.
I'm still looking for winter! We've had very little snow, which means increased chances of inadequate ground moisture during the summer. If we don't get more seasonable weather, fruit trees and bushes might set their blooms...only to have them all nipped in the bud - literally! After all, the way the weather patterns keep trending later, we'll probably have snow on Mother's Day.
@larry_stewart sunflowers are one of my favorites! Lucky you to have one in winter.
My bees love the sunflowers. They sleep on them during the night only to get up the next morning and resume their bee duties . During covid (for entertainment) we would literally sit in the garden and watch hem zoom from one sunflower to the next. We had two sunflowers ( one on either side of the entrance to the garden), and the bees would continuously go back and forth from one to the other to tthe point that they would literally bounce off of you when you crossed that path.
My only success with sunflowers were ones that sprouted from bird feeders. LOL.
I'm still looking for winter! We've had very little snow, which means increased chances of inadequate ground moisture during the summer. If we don't get more seasonable weather, fruit trees and bushes might set their blooms...only to have them all nipped in the bud - literally! After all, the way the weather patterns keep trending later, we'll probably have snow on Mother's Day.
4 am, in Night Shirt, boots, earmuffs, coat and a shovel - trying to clear the steps of sandy type snow - so as to trudge after my blind dog who decided now was the time for her evening constitutional. Being blind, she can't read the clock anymore...

Sure could have used your help last night CG!

Can't remember ever coming across that kind of snow before. Like loose sand, very tricky piled up a good 4-5 inches on the stairs down to the yard.
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