Our pets

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I am currently owned by 2 cats and a rabbit. Midnight is my 2 year old. Chessie is a more recent addition, a stray we took in. She was living in our garage and is unfortunately expecting. She was malnurished when we brought her in and also skittish and managed to escape while in heat. As soon as kitties are weaned she is being "fixed"! The most recent addition is Frodo. He is another stray. He is a Dutch rabbit that was abandoned in our neighborhood and is now part of the family. He is a very lovable little guy and really wants the run of the house! Maybe in time he will get his wish.
We have just adopted brother and sister kittens. He is black and we named him Bo. My little girl is a tortoise shell named Lucy. We have had them 3 weeks and it's wonderful the way they fill our lives. They are so lovable and funny. If I've made a lot of errors. it may be because my little Lucy is on my lap, as usual when I'm on the computer.

I'm taking lots of photos. but still don't know how to post them.
My funny cat, her name is Maya, she is know 6 years old. She has a lot of hair and doesn't act like a regular cat. Perfect cat for me! however I'm not sure I succeed in uploading the pictures. Let's see!


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Oh, Astrid, what a pretty girl. She reminds me of a cat I had many, many years ago. He was a Siamese and loved to sleep in the bathroom sink, especially after the bowl had been full of hot water. Guess the porcelain was still warm and cozy when he jumped in to take his naps.
I guess cats just love sleeping in warm places. When she is not in the sink, I can find her sleeping on my clothe, which is not great for me as I have hair everywhere after her long nap. She lloks so cute when she is sleeping there I cannot move her.


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mine er charlotte & tigs, both these big 'ol fluffalumps loved by many people. they eat, purr, make bread, ocassionally hiss, & snuggle often. i'll posts pics later.
Here's a photo of our Jasper taken a month or so ago. I think I posted a thread about him at the time - he turned up as a stray where I work.

He's a cutie. He's got this thing with our polished wooden floor in the kitchen... he zooms down the passage, flops full-tilt onto the floor, slides a few metres - and then does it all again :)


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my thomas cat, has many favorite places to sleep. sleeps a lot on my bedside table. meows til i clean it off for him.

he sleeps in the bottom drawer of my dresser. he can open it.

once he was asleep in a drawer. i didn't see him , and closed the drawer. then when i hadn't see him for awhile , thought he had gotten outside. finally traced the meows and let him out.

he on occasion likes the linen closet. can open door as well as the ones under the sink.

lately he likes a new to me curio cabinet in my sewing room.

it is fun to watch him open all these things. he never gives up.

I know that most of you have probably seen pics of our dogs, but I never pass up an oportunity to post pics of my babies! :mrgreen:


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OK...Sorry, not sure what happened!!
Here is Kika, our female 10 yr old Shiba.


This is Kenzo, our 8 yr old male shiba. He's a big boy and is actully too big for breed standard.
Here are my two current dogs: Princess is white, we think part Chihuahua and part minature Fox Hound. Lassy is the Beagle, we picked her cause we loved her eyes (well actually they picked us, weird how they do that). In fact, I think all of our dogs picked us. We would go to look at them, and one would always approach us out of the pack and almost instantly start bonding.
The last one is Ophelia, my Springer Spaniel, she passed away last year after only 14 years with her. She was special, where I went she went and would never leave my side (including in the bathroom!). The most loyal dog I have ever owned, and I wasn't supposed to own her! The breeder made a mistake and delivered her even though the wife had already picked a Cocker Spaniel and we had canceled the order for the Springer Spaniel. I went to see her anyway, and the store owner was concerned as she was cowering in the back of the cage and would not respond to anyone. I opened the cage and she lept into my arms like she had been waiting for me, even gave me a stern "what took you so long?" look.
True story.


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Nemo.. the black lab.
Nellie... white labtriever
Rocky...calico Queen Cat, 14yo
Baxter... big cat, brother to:
Duke.. skinny orange cat
What a wicked looking cat, and I mean that in a good way. And that boy's blue eyes are beautiful!

Since the thread was rekindled I'll post my newest addition. She's been with us for a while but I'm not sure I posted her in this thread. I wanted a friend for Aspen but didn't want another dog so I searched for months for a cat that was used to dogs. She was fostered with a house full of dogs. Her name is Cricket but I just call her Cat lol. I didn't like the name and couldn't come up with anything else...


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