Needed--Apple/nut bread recipe

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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
I made an apple/nut bread recipe, and ended up with apple/nut crumbs. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe using peeled, chopped apples, nuts, and whatever? Would you be willing to share it?
I am saying to get crumbs that you added your apple and nuts to the wet batter before combing with dry. Try mixing apples and nuts to dry ingredients then mix in wet ingredients. Make sure you have a good hot oven preheated. These breads are also called quick breads and bake quickly.
They are called quick breads because you don't have to wait for them to rise with action of yeast. They use baking powder or baking soda or other chemical leavening.

I'm pretty sure that Chief Longwind of the North posted a recipe for Apple Nut Bread and someone tried it and loved it. I'll go look for it now.
Taxlady, thank you for going to the trouble of finding those recipes. Both sound delicious! I'll give them a try.
Cookiecrafter, you nailed it. I'll try mixing according to your instructions and see what happens.
Thank you both very much!
I am saying to get crumbs that you added your apple and nuts to the wet batter before combing with dry. Try mixing apples and nuts to dry ingredients then mix in wet ingredients. Make sure you have a good hot oven preheated. These breads are also called quick breads and bake quickly.
I never thought of that. I mix stuff like nuts, dates, apples, etc. into the dry ingredients because I find they are less likely to stick together in clumps that way, especially moist or sticky pieces.
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