Monday the 2nd. Dinner Plans

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
What's on your plate, mate?

What ya gonna eat, my sweet?

What's for dinner, sinner?

There's a break in the weather so I'm grilling burgers!
Mine will be green without a doubt. A trip to the farm market on the weekend has my fridge full of green, leafy things. The only question is which ones will get chopped and stir-fried. There's a piece of baked chicken thawing to also chop and add to the pan.
Have a hankering for hamburger sauerkraut rice casserole.
Homemade pasties, green beans from last year's garden, and a nectarine cobbler.
Been out to restaurant for lunch today - poached chicken in tarragon cream sauce, French beans, chantenay carrots and new potatoes, followed by tartes aux pommes with a very strange caramel flavoured custard (a bit "de trop" this last, I think!) Food was fine but the coffee wasn't! I'd bet money on it being instant!

So not much required in the way of dinner. Might be scrambled eggs.
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Monday, Monday. So good to me!

Why? Because we're having leftovers ~ dinner is done except for the warming. Jamaican jerk chicken and rice and peas. Just maybe I'll get the family room cleaning finished. Or not. :whistling
Taking a ride with the Sinners today.They're so much fun to be with.

Homemade corn dogs,either onion rings with ranch dressing on the side or garlic fries.
Milkshake if I'm feeling like going all out. Sounds like a plan Stan.
Didn't realize Andy was a poet:LOL:.

I have some lemoned and garliced tilapia in the frig. When it gets close to supper time, will bake off some potatoes and heat up some frozen veggies. I doubt we will be able to resist some chocolate cake lurking in the frig.:).
Dug around in the freezer again and found some vacuum sealed shrimp from last month, so I'll be roasting those this afternoon. Sides will be steamed corn on the cob and a salad.
I put a beef tenderloin in to roast not remembering dh was supposed to be moving scenery this afternoon. He ate a hurried sandwich and I had waffles and ice cream. The roast will be tomorrow.
Pan fried burgers and oven baked French fries. Today's secret experiment:

After you flip the burgers, lay on some dill pickle slices, then top with cheese. As the pickles get warm, it really brings out their flavor. Top the burgers with fried onion slices too. Yum yum.
Made a pot of Venison Stew cooked in case iron & braised in the oven.



We had smoked pulled pork on toasted Ciabatta rolls.

I also made a salad of leftover onion/mushroom orzo with chopped cooked asparagus and tomatoes with a quick vinaigrette herb dressing.
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