Midweek supper thread Wednesday 2023 December 27

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I was too tired to cook supper, so we ordered out. It was submarine style sandwiches. It was okay. But, dessert, a few hours later, was very good. It was store bought vanilla ice cream with fudge sauce and sliced almonds. It's a very easy fudge sauce, so I put the recipe here:

What did you have?
I was having a craving for one of my Szechwan dishes, so I made that Szechwan eggplant, using some dried eggplant, that I soaked in hot water, about 3 hours before I started the rest. I started the one dish meal in the IP on sauté high, and cooked the garlic and ginger, followed by the chili paste with garlic. When cooked several minutes, the ground pork with onion (if it hadn't been raining, I would have harvested some scallions!) and soy sauce mixed in, and cooked about 3 minutes. Then I added the drained, soaked eggplant cubes - about 2 lbs equivalent - and cooked, stirring frequently, about 5 minutes. Then I added 4½ c water, and brought to a boil, and added a lb of pasta, and pressed it under the surface, as well as I could, then hit OFF, followed by MANUAL and set it for 5 minutes. After it finished the 5 minutes, I released the pressure - takes a while after this - then re-set it at sauté, and stirred just a couple of minutes, and then took the pot out of the IP, so it could cool faster, after I had my first bowl of it.
Szechwan eggplant, with pasta, cooked in the Instant Pot. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I was recanning pineapple this morning didn't have time to eat until late afternoon, oat groats with carrot slaw and blueberries. Then off to a basketball game of granddaughter, followed up with PLANNED OVER pizza.
I made stuffed shells yesterday and had them for dinner. I think I way overstuffed the shells: 4 cups of cheese and 32 oz of RIcotta cheese, plus an egg, spices, and a splash of lemon juice for just 26 shells, plus two jars of sauce. I ended up with 7 helpings, so I guess I'll be eating this for dinner for the next week.

I had always thrown salt in when I was boiling the shells, but this time I decided to throw some bay leaves into the water as well. I really can't say if I noticed the difference. Does anyone else have an opinion on that? The water smelled good, but I'm not sure I'm not just wasting my bay leaves.
I haven't put them in pasta, but I've put them in rice and I could taste it. Of course I grow and dry my own bay leaves, so that might make a difference. I have several lifetimes worth of bay leaves in my herb garden. I'll be happy to send you some if you like.
Thank you, but right now, I have a whole jar full of bay leaves. That's the reason I threw them in the water. I was trying to get rid of a bunch. I don't usually see so many in a jar but it looks like they're just jammed into the jar this time and all the leaves seem to be broken. I don't mind, but it just makes it hard to pull them out of food when I'm done cooking so I don't eat them.

Or am I supposed to eat them?
No, you're not supposed to eat them. My mom used to say that it was good luck to find them in your food. I think that was her way of getting us to look for them and not swallow them accidentally.
:cautious: Some days I feel so dumb about food. I wasn't really sure because I used to work at a restaurant and we used kale for decoration. People used to eat it and I thought that was weird until I found out people actually do eat kale. Thanks for clarifying that.
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