Kitchen rant

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
It snowed last night and I got a LOT sleep waking up full of purpose and creative energy. 1st up on the "let's do it today" list was to make apple cupcakes with brown sugar whipped icing. These will be awesome later on after I've worked my way down the long list. I have a few aging apples and it's a great day for cupcakes. I measured and prepped and hand ground the cardamom and found the cupcake tins and liners (this took some doing as I don't make cupcakes often).

Just before assembly I flipped the oven on to preheat and then padded to the back of the house to put on socks and shoes. Sun pours in the icy windows, tunes are spinning on the stereo, wonderful happy Saturday morning! All good.


There is something boiling on the floor of the oven and smoke billowing out into the kitchen. It appears to be lamb fat and some sort of tomato based sauce, polymerizing in the 350 degree oven. I cannot bake delicate apple cupcakes in that oven and cannot clean it until it cools down a bit. FULL STOP.

Ranty bit:

If you make a mess - clean it up
If you use up the last of xyz tell someone or put it on a grocery list or replace it.
Do not leave gross stuff in the kitchen sink - rinse it out.

Heavy sigh....
So - I've calmed down. I wiped out the worst of the goo and baked the cupcakes (apple, walnut with molasses & bourbon butter cream). Also a notably passive aggressive note...

Oh WoW! if that's what you bake when you're aggravated... I'll pm you my address!

And that reminds me, once over a cardparty dinner, a cherry filled pie (or something) was baked in my oven. I was not told it had overflowed, my gas oven had a false floor. I never saw it until next time I turned it on. What a stink and what a mess.
Needless to say I was plenty miffed at the girls for not telling me!
hey I have a huge kitchen and decorate very well but I am facing a problem now
can somebody tell me how to remove a kitchen soffit?
First you'll have to hope there are no pipes or major wires inside the soffit, as often soffits are used to hide such things.
It is probably wooden frame, covered either with gyprock, or plywood. Depending on the age of the house it could also be lathe and plaster.

Remove it like any other constructed part of the house. Break a hole thru with hammer or crowbar and have at it! Just pulling chunks at a time off.
I have NOT watched this video but it might give you some ideas. removing a soffit
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