ISO TNT Cinnamon Raisin bagel recipe

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jan 2, 2011
Rural Ottawa, Ontario
I haven't made bagels since the last century. I have been researching cinnamon raisin bagel recipes. I like a bagel that has a chewy texture, nice crust, but still tender on the inside. Several of the recipes I am investigating include making a yukone and letting the dough proof in the fridge overnight. Wondering a few things:
(a) any secrets when making a dough with a yukone?
(b) to plump or not to plump the raisins?
(c) preference honey or malt barley in the water?

If anyone has a favorite, TNT cinnamon raisin bagel, point me in the right direction. Favorite pan to "boil" the bagels has always been my Mom's SS wok--also my favorite pan for making spaetzli (because my grater fits perfectly on it). The other thing I use this SS wok for is steaming tamale. Otherwise, I prefer my CI wok for stir-fries.

I am scared away by the number of steps or the time it takes to proof.

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Andy has onion bagels recipe here. I say substitute onion for cinnamon, and you got yourself an excellent bagel. They are awesome.
Andy has onion bagels recipe here. I say substitute onion for cinnamon, and you got yourself an excellent bagel. They are awesome.
I am looking for a TNT with a yukone. I appreciate Andy's recipe, but it sounds as if it will be "too bready" for my taste.
I am looking for a TNT with a yukone. I appreciate Andy's recipe, but it sounds as if it will be "too bready" for my taste.

It’s really not too bready. I make them all the time and they satisfied most picky taste. Maybe picky is not the right word. I have a friendfrom NY, he says that these bagels are as good or better any NY bagels he ever had.
What is "yukone"? Searching gets me stuff about the Yukon.
it is a mixture of flour and water heated in a CI skillet until it is the texture of mashed potatoes, spread out on a plate 1" thick and allowed to cool until about room temperature. It is then added to the flour-yeast-etc. mixture. Sort of like a biga, but not quite because there is no yeast in the yukone. The dough then sets in the fridge for 10-12 hours before finishing. I have done bread with poloosh, but never yukone.
Okay, this didn't quite work out the way I planned, BUT I love the texture, the "chew," and flavor. I don't like the size--I weighed the dough, it was 600 g, so I did 50 g. Next time I would do 100 g. I did plump the raisins, I did add honey to the water. I sprayed the inside of the oven with water, I put a bowl in the bottom of the oven. I flipped the bagels after 8 minutes.


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