Cooking Goddess
Chef Extraordinaire
I guess she means standard brand of american coffee...
When people say "American coffee", I figure they're thinking we all like ours brewed like the first pot:I don't think there is any such thing...
I think people who don't live in the U.S. don't know how many craft coffee roasting businesses there are. Over the last half-dozen years, we have made it a point while on vacation to search out one or two small cafes that do their own bean roasting. Some buy from large whole-sellers, while others develop personal relationships with the growers. No matter where they get the beans, we've found the roasters each put their own spin on the results.
I haven't bought a major brand of coffee in ages. We had been getting our coffee mail-ordered from Green Mountain since we moved here, and did for around a decade. Then they turned into "Greed" Mountain, made the strong push towards Keurig pods, and lost me. Since then we've gotten mail order from a small roaster about 100 miles from where we live, Dean's Beans, but will buy something more local on occasion, or a boutique roaster from VT called "Vermont Coffee Company" that has 1# bags in the local grocery store. Good stuff.