I want a decent bread roll for sandwiches

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Oct 10, 2018
I can't find anything at the store that isn't soft white bread.

Looking for a hearty roll for french dips and hot dogs. Also like a good hearty hamburger bun.
We have that problem too. We prefer whole grain bread. What we usually do is cut a piece of a wholewheat baguette and use that.
I can't find anything at the store that isn't soft white bread.

Looking for a hearty roll for french dips and hot dogs. Also like a good hearty hamburger bun.

Since your profile shows you in the Seattle area... try Safeways deli baked rolls. They are quite good and generally sold in packages of 6 for a reasonable amount of money.
I recommend checking out bakeries and even supermarket bakery departments. Living on the east coast, I cannot offer any specifics.
My local grocery store has nice rolls, but need to go firsts thing in the morning to ge them fresh. Some things they bake in house, some of he other stuff they get delivered from Brooklyn. The guy is a the door at 7am. The second he unloads I grab them.
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