I can't cut fast with knives

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Practice, practice, practice! And keep your knives sharp. Of course, this is obvious! But also, make sure the knives you have feel right in your hands. Some are made for small, and some are made for large hands, and don't really fit all.

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I agree with everything above.
I think practice over time will add to your comfort level, thereby increasing speed.
Knife skills are great way to learn safety and efficiency ( obviously with practice ).
I feel that by learning more efficient ways to cut things is more important than the actual speed of cutting itself, and but just being efficient , this could add to more things cut up in less amount of time.

Safety is key. I've had my share of knife accidents because I wasn't being careful, maybe had too much confidence and trying to do things too quickly. Thank God for fingernails, or I'd probably have more, and more severe accidents over the years.

The knife itself is important. Although a sharp knife could cause more severe injuries due to its sharpness, a dull knife is probably more likely to ' slip' off of what you are cutting, or force you to use more pressure than necessary, both leading to injury. And just because I knife is an expensive, well known brand, it might not be what's best for you personally. Ive gone on recommendations and bought without trying in the past, and spent quite a bit if money for something that just didn't feel right in my hands. Ive also been to cooking demos where there were knife vendors. I had the chance to try them out and feel them in my hands, on which I made a much smarter purchase. They may have been less expensive, or not as ' desirable'. as more popular brands, but in my hands, they felt ' right'.
Safety is more important than fast. I have cut the crap out of my fingers, its not fun.

Sometimes the arthritis in my hands prevent me from curling my fingers. So I am even slower now. But that is fine, been a long time since I cut my self.
A decent amount of speed will come with practice. Using good, safe knife technique again and again and again will give you muscle memory of good technique. I have found that with almost all physical skills, it is best to just work on good technique and the speed will come by itself with repetition.
If you want to cut faster, it takes practice. What's most important is that you use proper and safe techniques and practice those techniques very time you use the knife. As you keep practicing, your speed will increase. Don't let yourself slip back into the old way of doing it. Speed will come.
You might try a mandolin for slicing veggies. I use chop wizard for dicing. https://www.amazon.com/Vidalia-Chop-Wizard-67366-Large/dp/B000I6JZWA

The chop wizard is great.
I have something similar, my wife uses it all the time ( especially for onions).
I use it on occasion.

As far as a mandolin goes, I do have one and use it when I need precise slices, but that thing scares the crap out of me. Im careless sometimes, and my mind wanders a bit, so I have taken off the tips of my fingers a few times. I feel safer with a sharp knife than a Mandolin, although I definitely see their purpose and use from time to time. I just have to be under total concentration without disruptions. ( As a side note, I don't use the safety grip thing that spikes into the veggies as I should).
As far as a mandolin goes, I do have one and use it when I need precise slices, but that thing scares the crap out of me. Im careless sometimes, and my mind wanders a bit, so I have taken off the tips of my fingers a few times. I feel safer with a sharp knife than a Mandolin, although I definitely see their purpose and use from time to time. I just have to be under total concentration without disruptions. ( As a side note, I don't use the safety grip thing that spikes into the veggies as I should).
For the OP (since I suspect you wouldn't use this, either ;)), I have a cut-resistant glove I use with my mandolin. It's saved my fingertips several times, and having it on helps me to be mindful of safety while using the mandolin.
For the OP (since I suspect you wouldn't use this, either ;)), I have a cut-resistant glove I use with my mandolin. It's saved my fingertips several times, and having it on helps me to be mindful of safety while using the mandolin.
View attachment 40069

+1 for the cut-resistant gloves. They are also useful when cutting with a knife, especially on those days one tends to drift into day dream mode.
My wife always says she is going to get me a pair since Im so accident prone ( stupid, stubborn, jackass, just a few other words I get after I cut myself when it could have been avoided).
Mods feel free to remove pics if inappropriate , but being careful with knives is a real thing.

The Mandolin incident (Thumb, Didn't used the guard or protective gloves)
The 'Shouldn't have been chopping parsley at 4:30am' Incidednt (Pointer)
( Didn't fold my fingers in like I should have)
The got my finger stuck between the sander belt and protection guard incident
(Not a knife incident, but another example of me being careless).


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I cut myself from time to time. One was bad enough that I almost went to the emergency room. Typically because I was careless.

What I don't understand is some folks fear of using a mandolin/V-Slicer. These machines all come with a food holder specifically designed to keep your fingers away from the blade(s). I have never cut myself on my V-Slicer cutting veggies. Just use the food holder!
You're %100 right, Im an Idiot.:wacko:
Maybe Ill listen to my own ( and others) advice one day! ;)

Larry, despite the proximity to your post, my comments were not directed to you specifically. I repeatedly see comments from many members here stating they are afraid of their mandolin/V-Slicer or that they won't use it, or bought special gloves. . . I'm sure you've seen them as well.
Larry, despite the proximity to your post, my comments were not directed to you specifically. I repeatedly see comments from many members here stating they are afraid of their mandolin/V-Slicer or that they won't use it, or bought special gloves. . . I'm sure you've seen them as well.

I know it wasn't directed specifically at me :)
I also know im an Idiot :LOL: , just ask my wife, she'll tell you :ROFLMAO:

I took no offense whatsoever, and the truth is the truth ;)
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