Hey Gang !! It is me mseaglecook here

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Senior Cook
Feb 21, 2024
Hey Ya'll,
It is so nice to meet you. I have been lurking for a while so I decided to jump in and post. I look forward to meeting you all around the board.
I am a mom who cooks for her family just because I love them. I also enjoy sharing recipes and learning new techniques of cooking. I look forward to many happy times on this board.

Cheers :)
Hey Ya'll,
It is so nice to meet you. I have been lurking for a while so I decided to jump in and post. I look forward to meeting you all around the board.
I am a mom who cooks for her family just because I love them. I also enjoy sharing recipes and learning new techniques of cooking. I look forward to many happy times on this board.

Cheers :)

Hello, nice to meet you 🙂.
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