Halloween Candy. Which was your favorite and which did you hate as a kid?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Its been many years since I trick or treated ( back in the day when people felt safer about it). Which candy did you look forward to getting ( and went back to that house multiple times year after year) ? and which kinda candy did you detest ?

For me, My favorite to receive was either a Reeses Peanut butter cup or any Full Sized Snicker, Milky Way or Three musketeers. ( full sized Charleston Chew ( vanilla ) was something to look forward to also.

The worst were this sesame seed candies. You could visually see the sesame seeds encased in some brownish caramel or sugar.
I can't recall my "Trick or Treat" years. I think we had to do it on horseback, in those days. ;):LOL:

As far as favorite candy, mine has always been candy corn. Only once a year but, I so loved that candy. Jeannie isn't a fan of it.

Since we started apartment living (55+ complexes) 10 years ago, we have not had kids come around for treats. I, usually buy a small bag of candy corn each year, for me. Didn't do it this year. Maybe if we shop tomorrow, I'll find a small bag.

When I was a kid, my favourites were any full sized chocolate bar. My least favourite were the small, pastel round things that were chalky and too sweet. They came as a roll about 1.5" - 2" long, wrapped in cellophane. I wasn't fond of black licorice or candy corn either.
Definitely Mounds, Butterfinger, and Reese's. I don't recall which ones I "hated", but I do remember trading with other kids, so we could get more of our favs.

For a number of years I have put out a treat for the kids, and some of them would be really freaked out by it, taking off before even getting any candy. I got it pretty good this year, with some red specks looking like coagulated blood.
Brain food, for Halloween treat. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Mounds, Almond Joy, Snickers, $100,000 were all favs, but all but Snickers were rare in the “fun size” most folks gave out.

Middle of the road was those little Hershey bars, mr goodbar, and little boxes of Raisinettes, and individually wrapped pieces of salt water taffy.

Least liked were candy corn, those little tubes of flavored powdered sugar tablets, and most jellied crap.
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Back in the late 40's, early 50's - I could visualize the candy but couldn't remember their names... lol I found a website that helped me remember!

You have to remember (well, some of you anyhow) that the candy back then was not individually wrapped - sometimes Candied apples were on a square of wax paper, but mostly the candy was just loose and went into your basket that way!
Candy Cigarettes and Candy Necklaces - not taxy's favourite! not mine either really but any candy would do. We would pretend to be grown-ups smoking and wear the necklaces until they got too gooey.
Bazooka Bubblegum - with Comics! YES big score!!!
Whoppers- but not my favourite - my brother would always con me into taking his for something else.. every year :ermm:... sigh... I never learned.
Boxes of Lucky Elephant Pink Candy Popcorn
Pixy Stixs Straws (powdered sugar inside)
Wax Bottles (sugary fruit drink inside) always felt I could eat the wax, another thing I never learned... :rolleyes:
Boxes of little chocolate covered mints, started to be popular, yummy!
If those and other Chocolate Candy Bars were handed out by the "big, rich" houses, they pretty much got mobbed as the word spread around.
M&M's - interesting fact, they were handed out to WW2 soldiers, instant energy and 'didn't melt in your hand' LOL!
Think Kraft caramels came around about that time.

Don't think there was a candy I didn't like -

LOL... did I miss any?
Hershey's almond, Hershey's milk Chocolate, Nestle Crunch, Zero Bars, Whoppers, Bit-O-Honey, and Bit-O-Peanut Butter, Bun, caramel apples, Milk Duds, wax Pan Flute. As I got older, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers, Almond Joy, Twix. I always like the candy corn, though it wasn't a favorite. Popcorn balls were ok, but i liked Crackerjacks. Special treat, a can of soda (not a cola though), or a mini fruit pie, especially apple.

As an adult, Lindt Truffles, Ferro Rochet, Ritter Sport Dark with Hazelnuts, Bun Maple, Dove Dark Chocolate

Detested black licorice, and horehound candies, and anything mint.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
My dad lived in a 4 street subdivision, with adjoining driveways to the main road. Trick or treating was easy, and the neighborhood was 90% boys, all of us approximately the same age, enough for two baseball teams. It was easy, if cold, with older siblings who loved to hide in the ever-present trees to scare us.

At my mom's house, on the river, trick or treating was a 4 mile trek, with a very large cemetery in the middle. Houses were widely spaced, often an eighth of a mile apart. There were about 6 to seven of us who'd get together, rain, sleet, or snow. Very occasionally, we had good weather.

We had a block long driveway to our house, which was right on the river. both sides of the driveway were covered by a thick, mini forest, We always had candy for trick or treaters, but none ever came. At the end of our driveway, right across the road, was the cemetery. Like all mischievous boys, we delighted in scaring my sisters, and their friends as they walked the driveway. My next younger sister was so fast.

The cemetery never scared me, or my best friend. We were often in it on summer nights to gather night crawlers for fishing. I never found the cometary spooky. It was also a great place to gather wild field mushrooms.

Oh the memories... If only kids, and parents could feel as safe as we did.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I loved Whoppers and 3 Musketeers.

Hated anything with peanuts or almonds in it.


Loved Mounds/hated Almond Joy.

Loved Milky Way/hated Snickers.
Etc. I still pick the almond off the top of an Almond Joy and throw it out.
This year I delegated candy procurement - it got a little weird at my house....

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