Got a craving...

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
So, I've got a craving for Meatloaf and mashed taters. I would round it out with a few other things...gravy, of course! However, I do not have the ground beef needed. I do have ground turkey and a recipe for "Mediterranean Turkey Meatloaf" (this month's Costco mag)...and everything needed to make that. But, I'm thinking maybe the mashed taters need to be changed out to some kind of spaghetti + sauce?

Thoughts? Should I switch to sketti or stick to taters and gravy? :unsure: - Planning for late for today!
What about an egg noodles and gravy? Mashers are good with anything though.

I've never liked meatloaf. Childhood trauma mostly but I've tried it several times as an adult and still it's a nope. If I were to be served it at someone's home I'd take a verrrry small portion and politely eat it but no way would I ever cook it. You must have had a mum who was a good cook.
Spaghetti makes me think of a giant
meatball. 🤭


I use ground turkey in my meatloaf and add a packet of beef bouillon.

I would stick with mashed potatoes mainly because real mashed potatoes are a rare treat for me.

Be sure to make enough for a cold meatloaf sandwich or two! 🐷🐷🐷
Be sure to make enough for a cold meatloaf sandwich or two! 🐷🐷🐷

I keep trying to do that and craig keeps making a pig out of himself and eating all of it, 1-1/2 pounds of meat, plus a bunch of mashed potatoes and whatever green vege i make, besides the 1 or 2 slices of meatloaf i eat. I don't know where he puts it all. He  really loves meatloaf and mash. Guess I'm going to have to take an extra slice or 2 to begin with, but then I'll have to watch that he doesn't try and finish my plate.
What about an egg noodles and gravy? Mashers are good with anything though.

I've never liked meatloaf. Childhood trauma mostly but I've tried it several times as an adult and still it's a nope. If I were to be served it at someone's home I'd take a verrrry small portion and politely eat it but no way would I ever cook it. You must have had a mum who was a good cook.
Nope, she didn't cook at I learned!
I guess they call it, Cabbage Cream. I first saw it on an Episode of DDD. It is different! Although, I may use white wine instead of the sherry.
Just looked at that recipe. HOLEY MOLEY! 6 cups of heavy cream! and then boil it all away til just 3 cups remain... not in my kitchen! LOL - think I would just make a white sauce - do it like that creamed onion recpe I saw somewhere.
I keep trying to do that and craig keeps making a pig out of himself and eating all of it, 1-1/2 pounds of meat, plus a bunch of mashed potatoes and whatever green vege i make, besides the 1 or 2 slices of meatloaf i eat. I don't know where he puts it all. He  really loves meatloaf and mash. Guess I'm going to have to take an extra slice or 2 to begin with, but then I'll have to watch that he doesn't try and finish my plate.
When you take it out of the oven, cut off a couple of slices, wrap them in aluminium foil, and stick them in the freezer without him knowing.
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