Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I am still in isolation though I am "allowed" out to walk Miley once a day - fully masked and socially distanced! I still haven't received my first COVID-19 Vaccine and then I will be allowed out more.

I decided to spend some of my time taking an Editing Certificate program to make me "look" like I know what I'm doing, which I do.

It seems like I get here and stay for a few days and then disappear again. I don't mean to - life is just getting complicated.

Oh, have I mentioned that I have finally been formally diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Not a big surprise and I am eating pretty well, anyway! It is just more medicine :wacko:
I miss BT's posts also. If memory serves me, he announced his intent to leave. I hope he is well too.


Yes, Bucky T left a few years ago because he wasn't happy with the way things were run. He had left before for similar reasons but always came back after a while. This last time he PM'd me (and I believe others) to say he was not coming back. I unfortunately believed him. I miss him too.
You guys are just the best.

We've really missed all of you too. The pandemic along with the USA problems really knocked me out of the emotional ball park with clinical depression/anxiety. My Dr. changed my meds and now I'm good to go, or at least, lots better. Besides, I knew I'd never be able to keep my yap shut with my political rants. :angry::censored: I was a good girl..:cool:

I'm thankful all of those we love survived to live more of their precious lives with Steve and I. I'm also so thankful for the vaccine to protect us all. Yep, I'm a believer in the vaccine along with my family. There's just nothing like family hugs..what a blessing they are and how they were missed! :heart: I thank God we had each other to hold tight in the dark days. I call him my rock and my soft place to fall.

I frankly don't care if people choose to play Russian Roulette with Covid19 by not getting vaccinated, but don't expect me to wear a mask to protect YOU, unless I'm required to do so.

We have been fully vaccinated since mid March..exactly a year since the lockdown began here. We had no side issues with either shot, other than sore arms. My arm is still very sore but the way I see it, that's a small price to pay for protection from this pandemic curse. I wish it would get better though.

I see that my last post here was on my birthday in December and I want to share one of the most precious gifts I've ever received in my very long life, from my sweet 27 yr old Sarah... Actually I wonder if I'm actually the woman she thinks I am. :wub:
My signature continues to inspire me.


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We've really missed all of you too. The pandemic along with the USA problems really knocked me out of the emotional ball park with clinical depression/anxiety. My Dr. changed my meds and now I'm good to go, or at least, lots better. Besides, I knew I'd never be able to keep my yap shut with my political rants. :angry::censored: I was a good girl..:cool:

I'm thankful all of those we love survived to live more of their precious lives with Steve and I. I'm also so thankful for the vaccine to protect us all. Yep, I'm a believer in the vaccine along with my family. There's just nothing like family hugs..what a blessing they are and how they were missed! :heart: I thank God we had each other to hold tight in the dark days. I call him my rock and my soft place to fall.

I frankly don't care if people choose to play Russian Roulette with Covid19 by not getting vaccinated, but don't expect me to wear a mask to protect YOU, unless I'm required to do so.

We have been fully vaccinated since mid March..exactly a year since the lockdown began here. We had no side issues with either shot, other than sore arms. My arm is still very sore but the way I see it, that's a small price to pay for protection from this pandemic curse. I wish it would get better though.

I see that my last post here was on my birthday in December and I want to share one of the most precious gifts I've ever received in my very long life, from my sweet 27 yr old Sarah... Actually I wonder if I'm actually the woman she thinks I am. :wub:
My signature continues to inspire me.

Kayelle, you can't ask for a better gift than that!
Kayell, I know how much that gift means to you, s I am blessed with amazing, and loving grandchildren myself. Every word they say, everything they do, is precious beyond description. I am so pleased you have your grandkids love. Life doesn't get any better than that.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the
Boy, Kayelle, it is good seeing you back here. Glad to read that you're looking on the bright side again and "back in the ballpark". The fact that you used that expression even though you don't like baseball made me chuckle. It doesn't take much to amuse me. :LOL: Now if you only could get Cheryl to join you and Sous on the bench...

...I see that my last post here was on my birthday in December and I want to share one of the most precious gifts I've ever received in my very long life, from my sweet 27 yr old Sarah... Actually I wonder if I'm actually the woman she thinks I am. :wub:
My signature continues to inspire me.
That is so precious! What a special gift. :heart:
Now that all are fully vaccinated, I will be visiting my father for the first time in two years. Then prepping for the new school year. I'll be sporadically around until September or so. Not leaving for long, I hope. :)
Now that all are fully vaccinated, I will be visiting my father for the first time in two years. Then prepping for the new school year. I'll be sporadically around until September or so. Not leaving for long, I hope. :)

Don't be a stranger. Most of all, enjoy your family time.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I just noticed that it's JustJoel's birthday today. Does anyone know what happened to him. He hasn't been around for two years. His blog hasn't been updated since 2019 either.
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