Friday Food! AKA What's for dinner? 10/17

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
Dinner here tonight will be enchiladas. I put them together this morning and they are ready to be heated up for the fam jam's dinner. Hope they leave me one. I'm eating at work tonight.

What's on your plate?
Right now the lamb pieces are defrosting. I'm going to make a lamb and okra stew for dinner.
TB's having snapper and I am having lentil loaf. Sides are asparagus, spaghetti squash and more tomatoes from our garden!
In anticipation of Glenn needing softish food, I made a nice big tray of lasagna. Also baked a couple of baguettes for garlic bread and might add some Italian green beans as a side. Depends on how he feels. He had a tooth pulled today and his jaw is a bit tender.

No dessert. We'll be lucky to finish the main meal.
There have been a few curry posts here lately that have whet my appetite. But we're having a get together tomorrow and the kitchen is sparkling clean, so I'm not feeling much like messing it up. I think we'll be having Indian takeout.
Right now the lamb pieces are defrosting. I'm going to make a lamb and okra stew for dinner.

You know how there are lots of posts that sound good when you read them in these threads?

Then there are right time right place I want posts. Lamb and okra stew sounds perfect today.

How do you make it?


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The friend that we're visiting just took us to a pirogi place built in an old converted has station. Really hole in the wall place run by a polish family, DELICIOUS!
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Barilla whole grain Penne Pasta
Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage
Broccoli Rabe
A boatload of minced Garlic
A pinch of Red Pepper Flakes
A grate or two of fresh Nutmeg (with all of our dark greens)
A glass of White Wine and Water
All topped off with a goodly grating of Grana Padano
JoAnn, my Dad had plenty of Stuff on Shingle when he was in the army! :LOL: Mom always used the dried beef for more of a pot pie kind of thing.

We're having the dinner we didn't have room for yesterday. I finished most of my half of the split meal, which was bangers, mash, and peas. Himself will eat when he wakes up. Right now he's pretty comfy in that big recliner of his. We had an early-for-us wake up time today, followed by a number of errands. Poor boy just doesn't have the stamina of his honey. ;)
sick as a dog here. i just didn't feel like cooking and i didn't have the energy to go out, so i went freezer spelunking and came up with pork and peppers. i'll have that with colavita rigatoni.
Oh no, bucky....sure hope you feel better soon.

Frank...yes, I know just what you mean, and I think Kayelle mentioned something along those lines a couple of 'dinner' threads ago...I'm continuously inspired by what everyone is having for dinner, and this is my first and favorite go-to thread. :yum:

I've been doing a lot around the house today and got sidetracked until it was too late to cook. I went to my favorite tiny little hole-in-the-wall mom and pop Mexican restaurant and got one of their amazing carne asada and rice burritos with salsa verde. :yum: They're huge...I'll be having the other half for breakfast tomorrow. :)
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Barilla whole grain Penne Pasta
Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage
Broccoli Rabe
A boatload of minced Garlic
A pinch of Red Pepper Flakes
A grate or two of fresh Nutmeg (with all of our dark greens)
A glass of White Wine and Water
All topped off with a goodly grating of Grana Padano

That looks really good. I wish Craig liked broccoli rabe a little more.

We had chili that Craig made for us. I hurt my foot and am having weightbearing issues so he did everything for us, including grocery shopping. What a honey!
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