Fri dinner Oct. 9, 2015

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 17, 2010
south central coast/California
Well tonight's the night! We're doing the Killer Bacon Burgers we've been discussing. I'll post a report and maybe pictures later.

What's going on at your house?
I'm making a meatloaf version of an Armenian dish for ground meat kebabs called luleh kebabs. A baked potato and a veggie to be named later will round out the meal.
DH is returning from a business trip to Chicago. He happened to stop by the Italian market there, and is bringing home some goodies. I understand some sausages were purchased, and who knows what else.
I loved when Himself brought food goodies home from travelling, Dawg. Except for the time he brought 5# of mudpuppies from New Orleans. Those babies were spicy!

We'll be having salads and toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. I have a nice Cherokee Purple heirloom tomato I picked up while running errands yesterday. I'll put a plank on each of our sandwiches, then cut up the top and bottom parts for the salad. For dessert, we'll be donning sweaters and having scoops of peach ice cream, a lucky find from an earlier shopping trip. Himself used to love the one we bought from the Schwan Man when we got delivery back in OH. This one isn't as rich, since it's your standard overrun grocery store variety, but the flavor is true and the peach chunks are good sized.
I'll be having pan seared sea scallops with garlic lemon butter, and a loaded up salad. Albertsons had some decent looking scallops today, and I've been craving them. When I brought them home this morning I put them between layers of paper towels to dry them as much as possible and hopefully get a nice sear. :)

Kay, I'm interested in how your Bacon Burgers turned out - and hopefully seeing some pics! They do sound delish. :yum:

CG - I love grilled (or toasted) ham and cheese with tomato - lucky you to find a nice Cherokee Purple. Oh, those are good. I'll be having ice cream later this evening too (mint chocolate chip) but no need for a sweater here! :ermm: :LOL:
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We had tuna melts with salad and Kettle chips for "main meal" at noon. I am on my own tonight as Kay is out and then spending the night at her place so I will probably just make a salad of some kind. My tummy is still upset from the morphine I had the other night at the hospital.

Oh, I just remembered there is some butternut soup that needs to be eaten so I will probably have that!
Used the spiralizer again. Garlic, onion, sweet potatoes, with pancetta cubes, basil and baby spinach. Pics of the raw sweet potato in the KA spiralizer thread. Oh, that piece of machinery is part of the spiralizer apparatus. The sweet potatoes got broken up because I had to cook them to the softness that DH likes, he's not much for even slightly crunchy sweet potatoes. Still enough texture though that you feel like you are eating pasta when eating it.

We were feeling chilled to the bone tonight, so I swapped out soup for salad. It's a chicken broth with spinach and mushrooms and sherry, of course! The soup wasn't cloudy, I just like my soup screaming-steaming hot! Photo of a sandwich plate, too. Cheryl, the tomato was soooo good! :yum:


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Charcoal grilled steaks and nuke/baked taters and salad served overlooking the lake from our weekend cabin. They have wi-fi and cable.
Looks great Medtran and CG!

Whisk, if I was at a cabin overlooking a lake, anything would taste good! Your steak dinner sounds lovely. :yum:
We have a neighbor who happened to be having a walleye fish fry, caught from Lake of the Woods, and he invited us over. :swoon:

He fried them with a little propane outdoor fryer. Egg, flour, and buttermilk, more egg and flour. Well seasoned, and delicious!
Well tonight's the night! We're doing the Killer Bacon Burgers we've been discussing. I'll post a report and maybe pictures later.

What's going on at your house?

This is my plate of low carb bacon burger, smothered in the most amazing chunky blue cheese sauce! The SousChef had his on a toasted Ciabatta roll.
I'll be posting more on the Killer Bacon Burger thread.
Good dinner!

My pan seared scallops dinner this evening - drizzled with garlic lemon butter, and a loaded up salad. It was delicious - the scallops were so sweet and tender. :yum:


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We spent the day in Colonial Williamsburg and got home fairly late, so we went out to dinner, to the Greek restaurant we like. My dad and stepmother enjoyed it, too.
We have a neighbor who happened to be having a walleye fish fry, caught from Lake of the Woods, and he invited us over. :swoon:

He fried them with a little propane outdoor fryer. Egg, flour, and buttermilk, more egg and flour. Well seasoned, and delicious!

Oh my, that sounds good. :ohmy: :yum: Nice neighbor!
Oh how I loved Colonial Williamsburg GG! I'd love to see it again at leisure without so much oppressive heat. How great you can visit often.

Cheryl, those scallops are to die for!
kayelle! I haven't been here in ages and I just walk in and there you are at the top of the page. I scroll around and everyone is still here! I miss you all!

I remember going with a biking group around all the plantations there in Williamsburg. It was a special tour so the plantations welcomed us with little edible goodies…so fun!

Cheryl, your scallop dinner looks incredibly delish!
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