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All of a sudden, I'm getting pop-up video ads on my phone! This had not been an issue with the old app, and had not happened since the conversion to the new. This is beyond annoying, since they cover a a good chunk of where I am reading and I have to kill them. Some can't even be closed, just paused so that they aren't a distraction. Is there a way to eliminate them?
Be sure you are logged in... You should have a better experience ;)
@Janet H the "quote" is not working correctly ...
It's definitely confusing. The button labelled "+ Quote" is for multi quote. Hitting reply, automagically quotes the post where the reply button was. I found it really hard to figure out what was my reply and what was stuff that was already posted. I turned on the thing to see the BB code and now it is easier to tell.
I found "Today's Birthdays", but I keep getting this:


  • Clipboard.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 30
I found "Today's Birthdays", but I keep getting this:
If you look at the blue bar at the top, there is a "Members" link. When you click that, you get a page about members and the birthdays are listed in the left hand column.

I clicked "reply" to msmofet's reply. I don't understand why it quoted my reply and not msmofet's. This new software is driving me buggy.
If you look at the blue bar at the top, there is a "Members" link. When you click that, you get a page about members and the birthdays are listed in the left hand column.

I clicked "reply" to msmofet's reply. I don't understand why it quoted my reply and not msmofet's. This new software is driving me buggy.
There are some bugs to be worked out. :unsure:
(I miss all the old smileys, these are limited. I will have to dig out my smileys folder.)

Thank you for the reply. I found it.

Also, I used to be able to copy the link/code for pics in my albums and post them in a thread. I can't seem to do that anymore.
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trying to insert a pic edit: so it worked but can't add text after it. Just in front.? So when you clic on the picture icon above a window opens, drag and drop. Not even copy and paste? This requires two windows to be open at the same time.
Mandy's Mornings.jpg
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If I could add, if you'd like to do a quick hit to someone, try quoting that post, typing @GinnyPNW ... oh and hit that members name in the drop down box) which is called a mention, that person will receive a notice (ie the little bell in the upper right hand corner of your name, if there are multiple notifications, hit that bell 2 times to view them all at once) that you were talking about them, or do an actual Private Message by utilizing the "start conversation", by 'hovering over that member, it that button and voila!
Yes. I really like this function @Kaneohegirlinaz
Yes, "Messages " are now "Conversations"
I think it will be helpful if we each mention which device we're having issues with. I'm not sure, but it may make a difference between phone with app, phone using website, laptop, etc.

I saw "Jump to New" in the subject bar at the top of the screen on the right side on both my phone and laptop.
Exactly. You should be able to run the "Full" version of this forum on your phone. Moderators needs this to moderate from a phone as a convenience. Moderating on the phone app can be challenging. So try to run the full version. Not the app.
I like the new forum look! I need to do some exploring. I'm curious to see the size limits on photos. The old software limits were pretty small.

This is one of the best upgrades so far. The forum controls do size the photo to fit. So you can just copy and paste a photo directly into your reply.
Also with YouTube videos you can just paste the URL into the reply field. This makes posting photos and video's very easy now.

All of a sudden, I'm getting pop-up video ads on my phone! This had not been an issue with the old app, and had not happened since the conversion to the new. This is beyond annoying, since they cover a a good chunk of where I am reading and I have to kill them. Some can't even be closed, just paused so that they aren't a distraction. Is there a way to eliminate them?
Ad Block Plus. Its free and it works. PC or phone.
I found "Today's Birthdays", but I keep getting this:
Many forums have gotten away from displaying birthdays. Many forums do not even give you the option to display or not display birthdays. I think you have that option here? I have not checked.
It clearly could be a privacy issue. Sometimes birthdays are just what someone needs to invade your privacy and or financial accounts/info.
trying to insert a pic edit: so it worked but can't add text after it. Just in front.? So when you clic on the picture icon above a window opens, drag and drop. Not even copy and paste? This requires two windows to be open at the same time.
View attachment 61713
I just checked and "Copy/Paste does work. I went to the photo - right clicked it - clicked "copy" and dumped it right into the reply field. I did not even need to use the forum control to do it. Just copy and picture and paste it directly into your reply. Very nice BTW. Easy.
You can also click "insert" after uploading an image to place the pic in the post. It will be inserted where your cursor is. You can click below the image to add more text.
Ad Block Plus. Its free and it works. PC or phone.
I have Ad Block on my phone and laptop. As my reply to Janet said, I think it was a one-off. Since my question, it has not happened.

You should be able to run the "Full" version of this forum on your phone. Moderators needs this to moderate from a phone as a convenience. Moderating on the phone app can be challenging. So try to run the full version. Not the app.
I know that. But it is much easier to hop onto DC for a quick minute when I tap the DC app icon on my home screen rather than open a window, type in the address, wait for the page to load. Besides, if I plan on doing any editing or creating long, involved posts, I use my laptop rather than my phone/tablet. Always did it that way, will continue to do so.
Yes. I really like this function @Kaneohegirlinaz
Yes, "Messages " are now "Conversations"
I tried that once and it didn't seem to be working. Let me try again. @Roll_Bones
Okay, this time it popped up your name, once I had typed "Roll". It seems to need to be woken up. I tried again, and it started showing a list of names after the first two letters.
I used to get email notifications about replies to my subscribed posts. Is there a setting I need to update to get those again? I got a few, when the new software was first in use.
taxy, the preference settings can be accessed if you tap on your avatar at the top of the page.
Yeah, I know where they are. I had already checked them and they looked fine. I want to know if there is something else I have to update. This is what they look like now. I haven't touched them since the update. I have looked at them, just not changed anything.

DC preferences.jpg
I tried that once and it didn't seem to be working. Let me try again. @Roll_Bones
Okay, this time it popped up your name, once I had typed "Roll". It seems to need to be woken up. I tried again, and it started showing a list of names after the first two letters.
It did not send me an "Alert". Had you not quoted my post I would have never seen it. I mean its useless if it does not "Alert" you. @taxlady
When I start to type you user name it produces the correct one immediately. So that part is working. @Janet H. But a "Mention" should trigger an "Alert" to the member you are mentioning.

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