Foods that you have to get used to the taste before you like

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
for me it is cheese. Never much liked the taste but cheese is so convenient for a snack. Now I am starting to like it more than I used to.
Gruyere, Brie and almost anything else are my favourites. I have always loved cheese. Starting with Kraft Mac and Cheese as a kid; Kraft slices for sandwiches, toasted/grilled; melted Velveeta sauces over cauliflower and broccoli; and from those classics (at least here) grew into the ripe, grating, goat - you name it. One particular styles cheese I am not fond of is when they are smoked. Smoked Gouda and then there was a Cheddar smoked that i actually threw out!
Personally, for me, if I don't like something the first or second time I try it, I just don't eat it again. There are things I wouldn't touch as a kid that I absolutely love now. And there are things I would eat as a kid that I currently wouldn't give a second glance.

On the subject of cheese, however, my favorite is Swiss, which I have always loved. But I've given both Brie and goat's cheese a couple of chances and I just can't do it. :yuk:
When I first tasted Feta, I thought it was weird and unpleasant. I'm still not sure if I learned to like it or if the restos started serving better quality Feta. I really like a good Feta cheese now.

The texture thing - DH likes raw cauliflower, but not cooked cauliflower. He can tolerate small pieces in a stir fry. Then, he tried it roasted with cheese. He enjoyed that. It wasn't soggy. Same with green beans. I break them into small pieces and use them in stir fries, but not too much. He likes that fine, again, they aren't soggy.
taxy, sounds like DH was the victim of being bombarded with overcooked frozen vegies and probably unseasoned to boot. Poor guy.
I've not had many things change, I have always been an adventurous eater but I do love coffee since this year and used to hate it before. I'm 36 so I guess I am getting to the age where bitter tastes are easier to like.
I've not had many things change, I have always been an adventurous eater but I do love coffee since this year and used to hate it before. I'm 36 so I guess I am getting to the age where bitter tastes are easier to like.
Ditto on the coffee for me. Always loved the smell of it growing up, but hated the taste. However, since discovering flavored coffees, I drink it on a regular basis now.

I still can't drink it straight black, though. It has to be flavored with sweetener and my favorite French Vanilla creamer.
Ditto on the coffee for me. Always loved the smell of it growing up, but hated the taste. However, since discovering flavored coffees, I drink it on a regular basis now.

I still can't drink it straight black, though. It has to be flavored with sweetener and my favorite French Vanilla creamer.
Interesting, I too liked the smell but not the flavor. I recently had handroasted black coffee with only sugar and that was good, but like you I prefer mine creamy. Pumpkin spice latte is my favorite!
When I was young it took some time for me to get used to coffee, wine, mashed yellow turnip, Brussels sprouts, oysters, and several other things.

Now that I’m old life is too short, and getting shorter, to bother learning to like new things.

I’ll try it but if I don’t like it I’ll leave it.
Interesting, I too liked the smell but not the flavor. I recently had handroasted black coffee with only sugar and that was good, but like you I prefer mine creamy. Pumpkin spice latte is my favorite!
I love pumpkin spice anything ;)

I buy my coffee online from Two Rivers. They have TONS of different flavors (Peanut Butter Cookie is my favorite) and you can get a box of 40 k-cups for around $20 or so.
The one food I can remember the taste. transition. for me, was. tomatoes. I always. like processed tomato products , like ketchup, tomato sauce ... But I could never eat. a raw tomato. When I was much younger, my then gf ( now wife) would come over and go into my dad's garden and just pick a tomato off. the vine and eat. it. I didn't get it.

I didn't. like them raw until I started making my own tomato sauce, but it was a slow transition. As I would dice them, preparing them for. the recipe, my hands would be dripping with the juice from the cut up tomatoes . I would kinda lick the juice off. After doing for over a. period of time, I became brave and started experimenting with aw tomatoes. I wouldn't. just bite. into them, but. Id put a slice on a burger or sandwich. I wouldn't say I loved it at that time, but if it. wasnt there, I kinda. missed. it, so I would make it a point to. put slices on. the sandwiches . Slowly over time, and expecially when I started. to garden, I became more exposed to different. varieties, and tasted them for comparison and eventually started eating them raw ( in salads, snacking on grape. tomatoes , in raw sauce pasta. dishes...
When I was young it took some time for me to get used to coffee, wine, mashed yellow turnip, Brussels sprouts, oysters, and several other things.

Now that I’m old life is too short, and getting shorter, to bother learning to like new things.

I’ll try it but if I don’t like it I’ll leave it.
I have heard it said that people don't drink coffee for the taste but for the lift.
georgevan, that may be perfectly true. Some people are very susceptible to caffeine. It really does become a necessity for them. I thought I was one of those but once I had to go without for about 4 or 5 days - and I didn't miss it one bit. I do, however, enjoy it in the mornings, I like a hot drink. Even if it's just hot water. (hot not warm).

I will say it didn't take me long to like it, in my teens I added lots of cream and sugar, then the sugar became less and less - one day my dad said "why do you even bother putting in 3 little grains of sugar!" Haven't had sugar since :LOL:

Other thing, I now only take 2% milk - hate cream in it - tastes like cardboard. Even whole milk is too much, and 1% or skim, just like adding more water. Nope 2% it is. The 2% seems to be just enough to line/settle my stomach.
And I dislike intensely the flavoured ones hazelnut, french vanilla, or whatever they can invent... yuck - shudder - blechhhh! I'll go without.
I can't remember the last time I had coffee, but it was probably back in the 90s, when a ladyfriend of mine was as addicted to coffee as I am tea! I didn't even have a coffee maker, until I met her, but I got one and she could have her coffee in the morning, and with most desserts I would serve. I am another one of those that can't drink black coffee, but would make it into a dessert almost, with a lot of sugar, and some heavy cream added (not that fake stuff, or the light cream). I'm lucky I don't drink it anymore.
I can't remember the last time I had coffee, but it was probably back in the 90s, when a ladyfriend of mine was as addicted to coffee as I am tea! I didn't even have a coffee maker, until I met her, but I got one and she could have her coffee in the morning, and with most desserts I would serve. I am another one of those that can't drink black coffee, but would make it into a dessert almost, with a lot of sugar, and some heavy cream added (not that fake stuff, or the light cream). I'm lucky I don't drink it anymore.
I still drink two liters of tea a day ( due to having no colon I need more fluids) but the occasional coffee outside the house has become a favorite . I have no coffee machine at home and am not planning on one.
pepper, why do you say you are "lucky you don't drink it anymore." I hope you are referring to herbal teas rather than 'regular' teas. Regular teas still have a good amount of caffeine, not quite as much as coffee but still enough if you are drinking huge quantities of it.
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