Effects of Covid Vaccines

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Senior Cook
May 3, 2020
Hello. I came across this article about the effects of Covid vaccines. It was the topic of a talk among medical experts. It was an interesting read, however I lack the proper scientific understanding to really determine for myself whether the claims are true. I will post an excerpt of it, and also include the link to the full article below. Let me know what you think.


Bhakdi’s (one of the experts) segment on the three-and-a-half hour video was devoted to an explanation of the workings of the mRNA injections, with specific focus on the recently discovered plasmid DNA that they contain.

He claimed that not only is this plasmid DNA present, but that it can indeed cause genetic mutation in the host. What is more, he says, these mutations can be inherited. This means that the children of those receiving the injections can be subjected to genetic modification without being injected themselves, and without consent.

The injections contain billions and trillions of minute bacterial chromosomes — called plasmids. This is the DNA base for the replication of the spike protein in the mRNA injections.

These are packaged in lipid nanoparticles — tiny fatty globules — which protect the injected RNA from destruction so it can “travel in the bloodstream to reach all organs of the body.”

When delivered to the body’s organs, these nanoparticles act as “Trojan horses.”

“They are taken up by the cell, and the recipe produces their product, which is then displayed on the windowsill. What everyone must know is that outside the cell, security guards are on the watch,” Bhakdi said.


See original link here: https://druthers.ca/top-microbiolog...calls-mrna-injections-crime-against-humanity/
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The description is what ALWAYS happens with vaccines, and how vaccines work.
The entire "trojan horse," allegory is exactly why vaccines work. Genetic mutation occurring in the host (us) is exactly what the vaccine is supposed to accomplish, as our immune system adapts to be able to overcome the viruses we are inoculated against.

But, when phrased properly, using wordy explanations combined with "fear" words, NORMAL, scientifically tested and proven techniques, such as vaccines, are weaponized as something to fear and avoid.

This is why people are getting stupider. We are being lied to with words.
I've personally been vaccinated and had boosters a few times for covid and only had minor soreness at the injection site and was a little tired for a day or two. Same with multiple friends and family members. It's kept me and others I know from getting sick or at least with less severity than if we hadn't gotten vaccinated, so I don't really care what articles say about it.

I grew up with routine vaccinations and continue to believe that they have saved the world from much more suffering than they have caused.
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I grew up with routine vaccinations and continue to believe that they have saved the world from much more suffering than they have caused.
They had to change the definition for vaccine for the Covid "vaccines" to be called vaccine.
A few years ago, NPR reported that about 2/3 of the anti-vaccine stuff you see and read can be traced back to just 21 people.

21 people, with a dubious agenda, causing preventable deaths. Makes one wonder.
Of course people can have an agenda. But let ask you, can your government have an agenda, too? They are both strangers to you. Why do you think the former might want to harm you but the latter doesn't?

And no, I am not being "seditious". Open a history textbook. It's littered with examples of governments doing bad stuff to their people.
They had to change the definition for vaccine for the Covid "vaccines" to be called vaccine.
No, "they" didn't. A vaccine is a medication that is designed to prevent and/or reduce the severity of infectious disease. That hasn't changed since vaccines were invented.
Of course people can have an agenda. But let ask you, can your government have an agenda, too? They are both strangers to you. Why do you think the former might want to harm you but the latter doesn't?
The government is required to be transparent about its operations and watchdog groups and journalists publicize problems when they find them. It's not perfect, but it's better than anonymous individuals doing things in secret with no oversight or accountability.
The doctor quoted in that article doesn't have a very good reputation among other members of the medical community. From Wikipedia:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhakdi started a YouTube channel proposing that the number of deaths stemming from SARS-CoV-2 infection had been overstated. In November 2020 his account was terminated for violating YouTube's community guidelines.[25] One of his first videos was published 18 March 2020; it went viral, with 300,000 views by 23 March.[26] In the video, he predicted the worst "horror scenario" would be a million infections and 30 deaths a day in Germany, and that death rates in Northern Italy and China were higher only because of high air pollution there (even though Germany typically has more deaths due to pollution than Italy).

Bhakdi has made a number of false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the pandemic is a "fake", that face masks and quarantines are "nonsense" and that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and will decimate the global population.[4]

He has been otherwise criticised for his theses on the COVID-19 pandemic; according to Medical Tribune [de], they are considered unscientific by a majority of experts.[27]
A few years ago, NPR reported that about 2/3 of the anti-vaccine stuff you see and read can be traced back to just 21 people.

21 people, with a dubious agenda, causing preventable deaths. Makes one wonder.

But, but... Aaron Rogers says vaccines are bad. He's a great NFL Quarterback!!! Have you ever seen Dr. Fauci throw a football. He sucks! Why would I listen to him?

CD ;)

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