Dragn's Nippy Chicken

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Just a throw together - nothing really measured :rolleyes: I had 2 Thighs and 3 Drumsticks defrosted.

Into a bowl with the meat
1 tsp Shichimi Togarashi - a 7 spice blend, Japanese
1 tsp Za'atar
Lemon juice, big squirt
Agave, big blob

I used gloves to toss and rub the meat. Covered and refrigerated - as long as yu can. Mine was supposed to be a couple of hours but ended up being overnight to the next day. :rolleyes:

Heated both sides of grill to about 325 and while still on high (gave the meat a quick toss with a small squirt of oil) placed the meat on one side of the grill.
After about 5 minutes turned the heat down to medium low under the meat (leave other side at high).
Turned meat after another 5 minutes.
Grill another 5 or more minutes til your temp is at least 165.

View attachment 52351
Sounds interesting. But, when I clicked the attachment, another page opened and said, "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"
Don't know what to say, when I clic on it - it opens.

I did add it after as an edit from my phone as that was where my picture was.
But if not, took the long way around - this should do it.

LOL... and it's sideways, of course. Just one of those days.


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