Dinner, Thursday July 31st

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, haven't started this thread in awhile!

We are down to a "family" of three again, just me, DH and our border. Tonight DH and I will be busy shopping for the wedding I am catering this Saturday so we will probably eat on the run.

For our border I plan on making one of his favourites - Beef Dip Sandwich on a ciabata bun with carmelized onion, sauted mushrooms, au jus and Caesar on the side.
I have no clue, my pork chops and rice I made up last night turned out so good I can't possibly top myself today!
I have some smoked turkey in the freezer.. I was thinking tetrazzini but I dunno if that would be good with such a strong smoky flavor.
I'm going out on a dinner date tonight, so I'm not quite sure what I will be having, but probably seafood.
potato salad and fresh green beans. I keep pulling some fresh corn, but it is not ready yet, maybe another day or two. I was in Krogers yesterday and they were selling sweet corn; 3 ears for $2.00, I couldn't believe it. We must have a gold mine in our sweet corn, I need to estimate how many ears we have growing out there.
Bethzaring said:
We must have a gold mine in our sweet corn, I need to estimate how many ears we have growing out there.

Count them, and mark it down as you pull them...Then do the math!!!

Swimp Creole/Rice.........
Chocolate Ice Cream.........
I may just hop on a barge and float down the river to UB's!!!
Maybe I'll leave the tuna salad sandwiches and chips to the wife and head
for Natchez too.....
Tonight is leftover rostisserie chicken from yesterday!
Don't know what we'll do with it yet though:rolleyes:
Maybe a quesadilla would be nice.
I'm going to cheat today. Frozen pot pies and egg rolls if we are still hungry. I'll make zucchini bread if LPbeier passes on a recipe before dinner time. Yum!
DD's birthday dinner is coming up on 8-10, so I made & froze the raviolis today with ricotta cheese filling, crab & shrimp mousse filling, and surrounded them with fresh semolina and egg pasta. Lots of work, but worth it. DW & me had some for dinner tonight with homemade sauce, garlic toast from my homemade bread and my cinnamon rolls for dessert. I ran short of pasta dough, so I took the remaining seafood stuffing and sauteed it in evoo & butter, then dipped it in Mama's sauce. Yummo!

Chicken fried pork chops with onions, broccoli and cauliflower mix, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, sliced tomatoes/swt.Onions and garlic bread.
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