Dinner - Sunday 7-8-12

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 24, 2012
We are having a chicken stir fry with water chestnuts, baby corn, capsicum, bean sprouts, onions, mushrooms, snap peas, lots of stuff...we like a lot going on in our stir fries :)
Kylie, it sounds like a wonderful stir-fry to me.

If my side/back allow me to be up and doing things in the morning (it is still Saturday here ;)), I will make some gluten free pizza dough in my KA and put together some calzones with some some sausage, tomatoes and veggies I want to use up.

I also hope to make a GF strawberry pie - DH picked up the extra ingredients I needed for the crust today! Fresh strawberries from the Fraser Valley! YUM! :yum:
Its Sunday here - had to check the date I get confused with the date the other way round here.

So, its 8/07/12 and I am doing a Sunday roast. Roast lamb, carrot and turnip, roast potatoes and gravy.

LP - I'd be very interested to hear how your gf cooking goes please!
GQ, we too have our date as 8-07-12

Thanks LP, it was very tasty and so colourful :) Your strawberry pie sounds to die for :yum:

GQ...YUM...love roast lamb, would have to be my fave roast!
We are having a chicken stir fry with water chestnuts, baby corn, capsicum, bean sprouts, onions, mushrooms, snap peas, lots of stuff...we like a lot going on in our stir fries :)
g'day K,sounds like a plan too me:yum: but what time is it down there,i've only just had me corn flakes....too early to think about dinner for me:)!
H, it is 7.30pm here :)

We had tea a few hours ago...

Corn Flakes sound nice though ;)
I'm not sure, yet. It is a toss up between cod with red pesto a la RockLobster or chicken sausage patties on the grill...pulled 10 lb of bush beans out of the garden yesterday (bean "season" has started...oh my, will I be sick of bush/pole beans in another 2-3 weeks), so beans are definitely on the menu--probably tossed with some turmeric and EVOO...
I'm not sure, yet. It is a toss up between cod with red pesto a la RockLobster or chicken sausage patties on the grill...pulled 10 lb of bush beans out of the garden yesterday (bean "season" has started...oh my, will I be sick of bush/pole beans in another 2-3 weeks), so beans are definitely on the menu--probably tossed with some turmeric and EVOO...
both sound delish,think i'll go for fish tonight ....good thinking cw
We picked up some chicken skewers at Costco yesterday so I going to grill them and maybe I'll toss some corn on the grill as well.
wow, there isn't a meal listed yet that i wouodn't like to have for my own dinner today.

i just got home from work, and i need to get to sleep to be up by noon for a birthday party.

the starting pitcher on my little league team is turning 8 years old today, so his mom is throwing him a surprise party. i'm psyched to see all of my little sluggers again. i haven't seen them since the season ended a coupla weeks ago, and i really miss the little buggers. i had so much fun teaching them the great game of baseball.

i'm, er, i mean my boy and i are bringing a wiffle ball and bat so we can have a backyard game without busting any windows. i can't wait to see their faces when i teach them to throw a slider with a wiffle ball. (it's ok for their arms because you throw it like a normal 2 seamer, but the holes in the ball make it break).

so, dinner will be whatever is served at the party.
fresh veg, leftover flank steak, shitake mushroom stir fry over brown rice (last night I used leftover chicken) plus it' s fast to make in this heat, and hot spice cools me down.
Leftover eggplant lasagna tonight. It should be even better after sitting in the fridge overnight. What's left will be frozen for some other time.
I'm not sure, yet. It is a toss up between cod with red pesto a la RockLobster or chicken sausage patties on the grill...pulled 10 lb of bush beans out of the garden yesterday (bean "season" has started...oh my, will I be sick of bush/pole beans in another 2-3 weeks), so beans are definitely on the menu--probably tossed with some turmeric and EVOO...

both sound delish,think i'll go for fish tonight ....good thinking cw
went for the fish cw.....grilled whole megrim sole on the bone with peas,leeks & smoked bacon in "ceasar salad" butter cooked in the microwave


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It's a really picture perfect day so I'm grilling a couple of ribeyes, baking a couple of potatoes for dinner tonight. I think a cold Sam Adams is in order to wash it down.
Looks great, Harry!

Pork dumplings, bok choy, jardoo chicken wings, store bought spring rolls, and something with shrimp and broccoli...pics to follow. I see lots of dishes in my future...
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