Cranberry Eggnog Bread Pudding with Spiked Eggnog Carmel Sauce.

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 17, 2010
south central coast/California
This is a requested recipe. It's a great use for holiday leftovers..:chef:

Cranberry Eggnog Bread Pudding with Spiked Eggnog Carmel Sauce.

4 cups of stale dinner rolls, torn into pieces
1 ½ cups eggnog
3 eggs
½ cup fresh cranberries, cut in half
½ cup chopped pecans
¼ tsp. salt

Prepare a 8” pan, and arrange the bread along with the nuts and cranberries. In a bowl, blend the eggs with the eggnog and salt, and pour over the top. Let it sit for an hour or more and bake at 375 degrees for 30-40 min. Make the sauce while it’s baking.


1 stick of butter
1 cup of eggnog
½ cup sugar
1 TBS of brandy, bourbon or rum…. OR 1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. baking soda

You must use at least a 3 qt. sauce pan to avoid a boil over. Bring the butter, eggnog and sugar to a slow boil, and boil for 5 min. stirring continuously.
Remove from heat and mix in the flavoring, and then add the baking soda. The baking soda will cause the mixture to foam up, continue to stir until the foam is gone.


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