Cooking Withdrawal Syndrome, Do you get it? I sure do!!

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
As much as I love traveling and my road trips, trying new restaurants, new dishes in unfamiliar cities, there comes that point that you wish you were behind the stove again. Part of it is trying that new taste, ingredient or combination of flavors that you experienced . The other is just the desire for a home cooked meal.

Im gone 4 full days. Last home cooked meal I had was last Tuesday evening, which was a throw together hoagie ( I needed something that could be prepared quick , cause it was a late night at work). Wont get home til well past dinner tonight, so tomorrow will most likely be a day of cooking.

As mentioned in another thread, I finally got to try an African Peanut soup this past week. When I get home, it will be time to harvest some of the final crops in the garden ( Peanuts, Sweet potatoes and kale, which coincidentally are a few of the main ingredients of the soup I just had). Guess home made, home grown Peanut soup is on the list. I came across a few recipes that looks similar to what I had. Ill start there and tweak it to my liking to try and duplicate what I experienced ( before my culinary memory fades).

Im also tempted to pop open a jar of tomatoes which I canned for the first time this year. Partially cause Im in the mood for something tomato based, and partially cause its been a few weeks, and Im curious to see if my canning experience was a success or if I screwed something up. ( I also did some pickles too, which I will crack open when Im done with the last jar of uncanned pickles I have in the fridge).

I love cooking, and being away for a few days sure gets me in the mood to cook again. I dont know how I did it for 2 weeks when I went on my Montana trips.

Do you guys miss the kitchen when away ??
I do. When we were going to Aruba for two weeks at a time, we had a full kitchen in our timeshare but I didn't really have the time or desire to cook anything but the simplest dishes. I admit I'm a cooking addict.
I feel the same when we travel Larry. Truth be told, I think most of us here prefer the taste of our own cooking. I love getting back in my own kitchen after a trip.
I just spent 3 weeks in the hospital and 6 weeks in a rehab facility after spinal surgery. I felt like I was forgetting how to cook, but the therapists realized that I really knew my stuff, so they made it part of my occupational therapy, as long as I made enough for everyone! First, a dozen cupcakes, then rotini, meatballs and Italian sausage with grandma's sauce. One morning I made breakfast sausage, cheddar and banana pepper (one of the therapists had a vegetable garden right outside the back door!) omelettes one morning. One day I sat down and rolled 30 carnitas, Hatch chili, black olive, and Mexican four cheese enchiladas, and cooked up pots of Mexican rice and frijoles rancheros. Thats when the powers that be decided I had rehabilitated enough to be kicked out! I do have two occupational therapists, six physical therapists and two RNs that want me to marry them, though!
I don't do a lot of cooking in the summer because of the heat, but I find I am chaffing to get back to it once September arrives. My cooking is going to be severely curtailed once I move and while I'm happy about it on account of my back isn't going to miss standing, stirring, and chopping, I know I'll start longing to make some of my favorite foods in just a couple weeks.
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