Chilli Eating Championship

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Jade Emperor

Sous Chef
Apr 12, 2023
This is something I alluded to in another thread a while ago. Baffling to me that people would find this extreme eating stuff entertaining. Same applies to the US contests where mass consumption is the contest.

I don't understand it either. But, I suppose that if you don't have artistic talent, sports talent, musical talent, intellectual talent, etc., then this sort of thing is still a way to gain one's moment of fame.
A couple of years ago the local paper had a picture of a five year old girl stuffing her mouth with hot dogs--it was a hot dog eating contest! Her parents actually let her do this (shaking head in bewilderment).
With the prevalence of childhood obesity, and the possibility of choking, this was tantamount to child abuse. I wrote a scathing letter to the "sponsor" of this atrocity, and next year there was an age limit of 18 or older.
Food is to be enjoyed with good conversation at the table. I'm sure Taxlady is right--it's for the applause of the crowd and maybe getting a tacky trophy when you can't achieve either otherwise.
I don’t understand how eating contests went from simple good natured little hometown events to competitive eating competitions with recognized participants, large cash prizes, appearance fees, corporate sponsors, etc…. What’s next, an Olympic event?

These high visibility contests are the reason that I don’t purchase Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, they just seem gross to me!

I would hate to see innocent little competitive eating events disappear from small town America but if it means putting an end to professional competitive eating competitions I would accept it.
I remember participating in a watermelon eating contest when I was a teen or preteen. It was at a party. It was fun until I puked. I have never participated in any eating contest since then.
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