Carrot and Parsnip Mash

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
No real recipe -
I personally do about 2 carrots to 1 parsnip, carrots are sweeter. Sometimes parsnips can be a bit bitter, especially older ones. But have see all ratio's listed in some recipes, from equal to opposites.

I boil 'em up separately, very tender so able to mash without too much difficulty. A fair amount of salt while boiling.

Just a rough mash with the potato masher and lots of butter. You can add chives, scallions or even just parsley for pretties!

I want to try Sainsbury's Gratin as well as one by Chef John's Gratin . Both sound very yummy.
Yeah, we make a lot of puree's at the restaurant. Parsnip is one of my favorites. I steam them, skin on, then peel them. I use a manual food mill and run that first through the large holed disk and then the smallest, it removes almost all of the fiber. I then put this puree in the vitamix along with some butter and generally some parmigiana reggiano. This makes a very smooth puree with a mouthfeel that I'm looking for and of course taste, never any bitterness.
No real recipe -
I personally do about 2 carrots to 1 parsnip, carrots are sweeter. Sometimes parsnips can be a bit bitter, especially older ones. But have see all ratio's listed in some recipes, from equal to opposites.

I boil 'em up separately, very tender so able to mash without too much difficulty. A fair amount of salt while boiling.

Just a rough mash with the potato masher and lots of butter. You can add chives, scallions or even just parsley for pretties!

I want to try Sainsbury's Gratin as well as one by Chef John's Gratin . Both sound very yummy.
That sounds good plain, just mashed. Squash, sweet potato, carrot/parsnips, those are all naturally sweet and I usually eat them with greens on the side.

Here's a recipe for a carrot parsnip ginger soup.
2 cups carrots chopped
1 cup parsnips chopped
1 small red onion chopped
½ cup of red lentils
4 cups vegetable broth
1 cup nondairy milk
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp garlic
¼ tsp black pepper
Substitute items to meet your dietary needs and what you have on hand.

Parsnips (and carrots too) will get a little bitter in storage. The phenolic content goes up and phenolic compounds act in concert with vitamins and alone as anti-oxidants. Embrace a little bitterness.
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