Carbon Steel; Does Stripping the Seasoning Reverse Annealing Benefits?

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Assistant Cook
Jul 16, 2023
Quick question - if you strip the seasoning of your carbon steel pan using vinegar or whatever, does that reverse the beneficial effects of the annealing process? Here it talks about how annealing aids the initial seasoning. Thanks!
Annealing is a high heat process. It basically reverses tempering making the steel softer. Unless you use a high heat stripping method such as in the self cleaning cycle of an oven or such, you're not likely to reverse it.
What's wrong that you feel you have to remove all the seasoning? Often you can just add seasoning on top of what's there.
@Andy M. I messed up my first seasoning by using too much oil then stripped it using soap and a dobie. Being a perfectionist I'm thinking I might strip it with vinegar then do one reseasoning.
Do you leave the food alone long enough for it to self-release?

Because even well seasoned carbon or cast iron will stick if you mess with the food too soon or skimp on oil. Some oil and letting things cook long enough in a hot enough pan go most of the way to avoiding sticking.

Most average home cooks I watch cook can't leave things alone in the pan. Most food will let go from the pan when it's cooked on that side. Patience is something cooks need to practice until they learn this.

It's also a key understanding to using stainless steel cookware.
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@thymeless Thx I'm familiar with that process. I have a little bit of experience with self-releasing. I just can't keep questioning whether a subpar seasoning is partly responsible for what I'm seeing. If I do it right this time then I can be sure its attributable to improper technique.
Something to look into . . .

There are a couple of simple ways to completely strip a pan. I have had success putting a wok in a super hot gas grill to burn off seasoning. Also, by error, I left a cast iron skillet in the oven when I ran the self-cleaning cycle. Clean as a whistle.
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