Cara's roof

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Master Chef
Aug 14, 2005
Hannover, Germany
.. it's almost back in place now ;o)

as some people asked in some threads and via PM I just decided to start a new thread on it, so I don't have to tell it twice or more ;o)

During the storm "Kyrill" over G on Jan, 18, we lost the outer part of our roof.. not the concrete covering the house, but the wood and the Isolation and everything else...

so the concrete became unprotected to the rain and cold..
we had to turn up the heat and during the five days of rain at the beginning of February we had wet corners in the kitchen, bath and bedroom :dry:
we now have mold patches in these rooms..

Our stairway was really wet, with little waterfalls pouring down the stairs :cool:
we now have dryers standing there trying to dry the walls..

the roof got its wood back by now and I hope the Isolation will be on by the middle of next week, so we can turn down our heat..
then we will hopefully have the painters in to renovate our rooms...

today the insurance expert visited us to see the damages.. he said it should be no problem ;o)

the two fotos are our yard with the rest of the roof and the other one is out of the newspaper, it shows our roof (better the rest of it) :)
both are taken the day after Kyrill..


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Cara... I had no idea. I'm so sorry. What a pain in the neck!!!!

I'm glad things are starting to be fixed up for you.
Oh my god, that is awful Cara!! In the middle of the winter, too and it had to rain on you too, it must have been quite scary when you guys lost the roof as well!...:wacko: I hope everything will be back in place soon and you will get all the comfort of your home back!!
Let's hope from now on everything will turn for the better!!

I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. I'm glad things are being taken care of though. I hope everything is back to normal very soon!

:) Barbara
Oh dear, Cara, what a mess the storm has created for you and your family! At least things are under control now. Keep your cool and stay warm!! All the very best!
no workers today who woke me up almost in the middle of the night :)

I have the feeling, it sounds worse as it is.. except for the four days raining we could live with it, the advantage is, that we didn't had a real winter this year, just 2 days below freezing.. okay.. that was cold, even inside, but it became warmer then.. ;o)

worst of all is the scaffold around the house..
If you live under the roof you are not used to having people running in front of your window.... :rolleyes:
I have a few grams of Copper Acetate in the Lab, if you like I can mail you some, it will arrest the mold problem and stop reoccurance.
you just dissolve it in water and spray it on.
YT, does that work? I think it's no need for you to send it to me, I'm sure I'll will get it here in G ;o)
yeah, it works great, it`s even good with Wood as a treatment and even Plants when very dilute.

Cheshunt compound or Bordaux(sp?)Mix are good too (both also copper salts). most Gardening stores will sell those.

Just don`t get any on other metals, it will copper plate them! :)
sure cara, just run down to the hannover copper acetate werks on funf strasse. great deals on 55 gallon drums, this week only. ;)

that's what i'd do. :rolleyes:

yt, im afraid to ask what you have stored in your house.

cara, hope you're warm and comfortable soon.
Nothing in the house really beyond that what you`de ordinarily expect :)
the Lab is a different matter:angel::rolleyes:
I`de be pleased to tell you, but wouldn`t want to derail Caras thread, but in short it`s a General Science Lab, Chem and Physics mainly but can accomodate Bio also.
and has everything from Radioactive isotopes and Cyanide to plain distilled water and Medical Oxygen bottles to Tesla coils, and almost everything between.
Chemwise there`s not much I don`t have or couldn`t make either.
Cara I am so sorry what happened to your roof. At least it can be fixed but I know from experience there is a lot of noise while they are fixing the roof and whatever elso needs fixing.

Again I am so sorry.
buckytom said:
sure cara, just run down to the hannover copper acetate werks on funf strasse. great deals on 55 gallon drums, this week only. ;)

that's what i'd do. :rolleyes:

yt, im afraid to ask what you have stored in your house.

cara, hope you're warm and comfortable soon.

ahhhh.. bucky... everything's sold out.. *mist*

I'm definetely comfortable this weekend as they don't work.. almost spring temperatures, sun yesterday and a hubbie-free-weekend are perfect :cool:
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