Blueberry-Yoghurt Muffins with different fruits

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Senior Cook
Feb 23, 2005
Hi everone here,

this afternoon I had tried following Muffins, which are so delicous. Perhaps you´ll try it...:chef:

Blueberry-yoghurt Muffins with differen fruits
(I have taken red currents and blackberrys)

1 egg
200 g sugar
80 ml oil
280 g blueberry-yoghurt
1 Soupspoon vanilla

stear together...

50 corn flour
250 g flour
1 pinch of salt
2 Teaspoons bakinpowder
1/2 Teaspoon natron

make a smooth dough.

put the 1/2 dough in a muffin pan and put the berries (so much as you like) on the dough. Now fill the rest of the dough on the berries and bake it on 180°C for ca. 20-25 Minutes

I hope you´ll enjoy it.

lg Tanja:chef:
Hi Kara,

These sound really nice, they contain of my favourite ingredients - blueberries! Thanks for posting it :)

(Do you know about how many muffins this recipe makes?)

these dough is for a muffin pan with 12 pieces. Was that the answer you want???:angel:

greetings from Germany
Hi there :chef:

Tanja, Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe with us. I love Berries, I can't wait to try these :rolleyes: I was wondering what is natron?
@ pancake

Sorry, in your country it´s called : Baking Soda....

greetings from Germany

karaburun said:
@ pancake

Sorry, in your country it´s called : Baking Soda....

greetings from Germany


Tanja, Thank you for clearing that up for me :) I didn't know! I'll try your recipe next weekend, I can't wait! Thanks once again :)
(Sort of related thought) I've found that in Ireland (and in some recipes from the UK) they like to call baking soda by its more scientific name, "sodium bicarbonate" or another term "bread soda" whch I'm not actually 100% sure is really "pure" baking soda :huh:
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