A Mustard Store

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I was watching the news the other day, and they did a piece on a mustard store in the city. They sell many different flavored Mustards. they even have some ' on tap' where you can go around and taste them, kinda like an olive oil store. I think Ill check it out next time Im in the city.

I love specialty stores like this that focus on one item, in many different varieties.


Mmmm. My in-laws sent us a goodie basket from a farmers market for Christmas a few years ago that included a jar of jalapeño mustard. It was addictive! I found a recipe online and made more. It's incredible with grilled sausage.
I've been to that Maille store in Paris.

I'll have to hit the NYC one when I'm at Zabars or at that big farmers market up there.
I was watching the news the other day, and they did a piece on a mustard store in the city. They sell many different flavored Mustards. they even have some ' on tap' where you can go around and taste them, kinda like an olive oil store. I think Ill check it out next time Im in the city.

I love specialty stores like this that focus on one item, in many different varieties.


I love Maille mustards but I suspect Truffle and Chablis mustard might be more about the label than the flavour as the mustard would probably drown the other two flavours.

I love the ceramic jars though.
In case anyone's interested, there's a seller here in South Florida called 'The Mustard Factory.' They sell on-line as well as small shops hereabouts. I've heard the horseradish mustard is really good.
In case anyone's interested, there's a seller here in South Florida called 'The Mustard Factory.' They sell on-line as well as small shops hereabouts. I've heard the horseradish mustard is really good.

What city is it in?
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Reading Zagut's' post, I went hmm, I bet Steve K knows this. Wisc is just a hop skip and a jump away.

I like Creole mustard. Too bad it only seems to come in eensie little jars.
In case anyone's interested, there's a seller here in South Florida called 'The Mustard Factory.' They sell on-line as well as small shops hereabouts. I've heard the horseradish mustard is really good.

They have stores of their own, plus they are offered at some other shops. One of them is "Restoratives Cafe"! We NEED to meet there this November!
I cannot figure out what the timing is for sending/receiving emails/posts. I didn't get CG's until after I had posted mine. :wacko:

CG, you said a mouthful. I really need to check out Restoratives' soups, too.
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