So what would you guys do with mushrooms that have a hint of almond smell/taste?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
As some of you may know, from other threads, Ive been growing different varieties of mushrooms. Some are ones Ive had before (Oyster, Shiitake). For others, its a first time experience.

When comparing ( other than the shitake), the only differences other than what they look like, are the intensity of mushroom flavor and the consistency. Some are firmer, others more spongy. Some have a more chewy texture while others you can bite threw with minimal resistance.

This brings me to my latest mushroom, the Almond Agaricus - (Agaricus subrufescens). They have a slight hint of almond, the kind of scent and flavor you would get from almond extract, almond paste ...

Its not a bad flavor, but Im kinda stumped as what to doo with them that would take advantage of their flavor, yet not hijacking the dish or being out of place.

I did include some of them in my marinated mushrooms. In general , it worked out fine, but you know when you ate one cause you get that hint oof almond ( which does clash a little bit with the other flavors).

The flavor/ scent tis subtle, but recognizable.Its one of those things that you're not sure if you're smelling it or tasing it. Its really cool, I just want to figure out a way to use them. I checked the website where I got them from. They have a recipe section for the mushrooms variety kits they sell. And, for course, there are no recipes for these guys..
Google "Almond Agaricus recipes" without the quotes. A bunch of recipes pop up, some vegan/vegetarian, some not. If nothing else, might give you some ideas.
Cook separately and use as a garnish on other vegies... eg. asparagus. Maybe with an omlete?

Mild fish? chicken? over any gravy, not cooked in it, to help preserve the flavour?
I first thought chicken, or the equivalent in the vegetarian/vegan world. Like a chicken marsala. I often serve sautéed green grapes with almonds as a side dish for marsala.
of course, now that you guys are providing good ideas, I went out there and there are none left. Maybe next time it rains Ill get a second flush. Did pick one wine cap and 2 shiitakes today though.
Taxlady had a great suggestion--think of dishes that have almonds or other types of nuts in them, and use the mushrooms to either replace or enhance those flavors in the final product. A few suggestions off the top of my heads:

Thai Peanut Sauce
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