2024 May 11 What was your supper?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Since it's my birthday, I decided to have a bit of a special meal. I made four Danish smørrebrød (open faced sandwiches) on heavy rye bread. Two cold smoked salmon, one with shrimp, and one of egg with makrel. I had some Italian white wine with that and some Danish akvavit, AKA snaps. I really enjoyed that. As you can see from the pictures, I had a hard time getting the egg and mackerel to stay put on the smørrebrød. There really should have been some decorative dill with the salmon, but I only have frozen dill at the moment and that isn't very decorative. I enjoyed that.

Danish smørrebrød of salmon, shrimp, and egg with mackerel.jpg
Danish smørrebrød (open faced sandwiches) of smoked salmon, shrimp, and egg with mackerel.jpg

I had made a whole rack of Baby Back Ribs a few weeks back in the Instant Pot and then tossed them onto a screamin' hot grill to crisp the exterior.
We only ate half the rack and found the other half in the deep freeze this morning - DINNER SOLVED!
I made my version of Summer Slaw, Corn Bread and a can of Bush's Baked Beans to round it all out.
I have enough even leftover to make up a plate to take to my Mother.
I have enough Corn Bread leftover for a coupla breakfasts too, toasted with loads of Butter and Honey for Moi, and just Maple syrup for DH, maybe a scrambled egg and turkey sausage too 🤔 hmmm
I made a version of @blissful ’s oven baked onion slabs.

I used a few small boiling onions peeled and quartered.

I baked them at 400 for 45 minutes.

Crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. I need to be a bit more aggressive with the seasoning.

I want to experiment using baby Bella mushrooms, tender zucchini sticks, etc…

A take on a Burmese pasta dish a friend showed me years ago. "Chicken" stock + coconut milk as a base, poured over Rice noodles , garnished with garlic, cilantro and a squeeze of lime. His dish had chicken and hard boiled quail eggs in it. To replace chicken, I used seitan, and didn't even attempt to sub anything in for the hard boiled quail eggs.
Since it's my birthday, I decided to have a bit of a special meal. I made four Danish smørrebrød (open faced sandwiches) on heavy rye bread. Two cold smoked salmon, one with shrimp, and one of egg with makrel. I had some Italian white wine with that and some Danish akvavit, AKA snaps. I really enjoyed that. As you can see from the pictures, I had a hard time getting the egg and mackerel to stay put on the smørrebrød. There really should have been some decorative dill with the salmon, but I only have frozen dill at the moment and that isn't very decorative. I enjoyed that.

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Happy belated birthday @taxlady.
Happy Birthday Taxy! May it be filled with good memories and future adventures.
I made a version of @blissful ’s oven baked onion slabs.

I used a few small boiling onions peeled and quartered.

I baked them at 400 for 45 minutes.

Crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. I need to be a bit more aggressive with the seasoning.

I want to experiment using baby Bella mushrooms, tender zucchini sticks, etc…

You DID?! Cool! Good idea!
I bet mushrooms and zucchini would both be good. I need to remember that for the next time we have large whole mushrooms (instead of the sliced ones).
We have done the cauliflower wings the same way, in golf ball sized flowerettes. I liked sweet potato chunks done that way but he didn't like it as much. The red and yellow pepper strips were very sweet and flavorful that way.
Since it's my birthday, I decided to have a bit of a special meal. I made four Danish smørrebrød (open faced sandwiches) on heavy rye bread. Two cold smoked salmon, one with shrimp, and one of egg with makrel. I had some Italian white wine with that and some Danish akvavit, AKA snaps. I really enjoyed that. As you can see from the pictures, I had a hard time getting the egg and mackerel to stay put on the smørrebrød. There really should have been some decorative dill with the salmon, but I only have frozen dill at the moment and that isn't very decorative. I enjoyed that.

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Happy belated birthday! 🎂 🎉 🍷
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