? About Osso Buco

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Hi, all. I made osso buco (braised veal shanks) for dinner last Sunday - they turned out *fabulous* if I do say so myself - I used a recipe from Cook's Illustrated's International Recipe cookbook. I have a question, though.

The sauce was very soupy, and I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be thicker, like a stew, or if that was right. Which should it be?

Here's a photo (deelady, here ya go ;) ):


  • osso-buco-saffron-risotto.jpg
    50.2 KB · Views: 671
i believe tis supposed to be like that.

You could always have thicken some of it (or all) if you watned too. Its your food.

Oh, I know. I actually ate it as soup later :chef: I just like to know how traditional dishes are supposed to be made, and then adjust according to our taste. Thanks.
Yours looks different to how mine turns out. Mine has a lot of tinned tomatoes, and the sauce is quite thick. I flour my meat before searing, and then putting it into the pot with the other ingredients, and I think this helps thicken it too.

I think there are as many osso bucco recipes as there are cooks in Northern Italy, so I am sure some turn out soupier than others!
you can reduce by boiling the liquid or pureeing some of the veg or both. works very well. Some recipes call for dusting the shanks with flour before browning them and this also thickens things a bit, but I prefer to puree some of the veg.
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