Didn't anyone eat yesterday? How about today, April 13th?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
It's been such a drama filled two weeks that I decided to just take the easy route for a bit. So what I have to eat is just stuff that I can throw into the oven or microwave and heat up. I went to the store today and got some deli stuff - orange chicken and soft noodles for lunch tomorrow, plus some frozen pizzas Safeway had on sale. Then on the way home, I stopped at Taco Bell and got some side cups of refried beans. I have cheese, lettuce, and tostadas, so that's supper for tonight. It didn't occur to me until I was driving home that I could have just gotten a can of refried beans from the store while I was there.

I'm not doing the healthiest of eating lately, but like on Monday I need to do the rest of the laundry (which is piled 4ft high now) and make another stop at Winco and I knew I wouldn't want to cook after doing that. I think the best I'm going to do is bake a chicken breast so I can have chicken salad on Monday.
Ham steak with a brown sugar, Creole mustard, cider vinegar, triple sec glaze. Scalloped potatoes with par cooked fresh fennel and onion. Carrots and green beans.
I've seem to not eat well for several days, then go all out with a fantastic meal.
Tonight was my take on a One-Pan Shrimp with Orzo. Changed it up, of course. Din't have orzo so made rice in the cooker, that sort of put paid to the 'one pan' part but still easy enough.
Also didn't have fresh parsley nor lemon but didn't miss them. Did add some bean sprouts!
Absolutely delicious. So glad I have leftovers!

I'm using my tablet (from hell), can't figure out how to post pictures. Did it once but just spent 3/4 of an hour getting no where. Pretty pics but will have to wait for a computer. So sad, too bad.
Friday, 2024-04-08, I got around to trying to make myself an actual meal, but only sort of succeeded. I baked a couple of chunks of frozen, breaded haddock. I nuked a bag of Patak's Butter Chickpeas. When I started pouring the chickpeas onto my plate, I realized that they were soupy enough that I really needed something to soak up the sauce. I grabbed a slice of whole grain wheat bread and used that. That's why I ended up with this peculiar looking meal. I only ate about 3/4 of the chickpeas and put the rest in the fridge.

Breaded haddock and butter chickpeas on ww bread.jpg

Today, 2024-04-13, I decided to cook a batch of rice in the afternoon. I cooked enough for a few meals for me. So, come supper time, I mixed some frozen corn and butter into a bowl of cooked rice and stuck it in the microwave on "sensor reheat". I put some tamari and Lao Gan Ma, spicy chili crisp and some tamari on the rice and corn and that was phase one of supper. It was delicious.

A bit later, I got hungry again. So, I emptied the last quarter of a bag of butter chick peas into a bowl; stirred in a bit of the cooked rice; and nuked it on sensor reheat. Then, I stirred in some frozen, cooked shrimp that I had defrosted earlier. That was pretty tasty, odd, but tasty. No pix, because I couldn't be bothered. I might have a small bowl of chocolate ice cream later.

I'm finally getting a bit of appetite back, after the nasty shock of my husband unexpectedly dying last Saturday.
I'm not doing the healthiest of eating lately, but like on Monday I need to do the rest of the laundry (which is piled 4ft high now) and make another stop at Winco and I knew I wouldn't want to cook after doing that. I think the best I'm going to do is bake a chicken breast so I can have chicken salad on Monday.

I am in Houston, to help out with my mom, and do free home repairs for my sister. My sister eats out at least three times a week. I can't do that. I eat out about three times a month.

She went out for fajitas tonight, an I stayed at her house and has a tuna salad sandwich. She brought home some leftovers, and I made a snack.

I went to the HEB near her house and bought stuff to cook tomorrow. I'm baking a quiche in the morning. On the way back from visiting mom in hospital rehab, I am thinking I'll stop at HEB (two minutes from my sister's house), and get some produce to make a good salad with some pan seared chicken for us.

It is sometimes hard to eat healthy, with a lot going on. There are times when I'd rather eat good food and wear yesterday's clothes. I'm at the age where I can get away with wearing wrinkled clothes and not shaving today. ;)

@blissful, thank you for asking. To be honest, it's really hard. My brain is not working as expected. I can't hold two thoughts in my head at once. Far too many things remind me. Up until late yesterday I only cried a couple of times and not much. I was too numb. Today, I have had a lot of tears. I miss him so much. He was the best husband I could want. He was my best friend, and my best buddy, and he gave (probaby) the world's best hugs.
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I am so sorry for your loss @taxlady, sending you my deepest sympathy, I understand what you're going through right now. My husband was my life, my world, we were part of each other and now, even if only in mind and spirit, I still feel our special bond and this gives me strength to go on.
Sending you comfort and strength.
That corn looks scrumptious Kathleen, saw some looking good at the store thr other day.
Too bad they are still 3 or 4 per pkg. I pretty much only buy one at a time, max 2.
That corn looks scrumptious Kathleen, saw some looking good at the store thr other day.
Too bad they are still 3 or 4 per pkg. I pretty much only buy one at a time, max 2.

Yeah, the only way I can buy them one at a time is in the husk. It is nice to see the corn already husked, so I know exactly what I'm buying.

@blissful, thank you for asking. To be honest, it's really hard. My brain is not working as expected. I can't hold two thoughts in my head at once. Far too many things remind me. Up until late yesterday I only cried a couple of times and not much. I was too numb. Today, I have had a lot of tears. I miss him so much. He was the best husband I could want. He was my best friend, and my best buddy, and he gave (probaby) the world's best hugs.
I can't imagine carrying such a primary grief, that of a child or significant other, spouse, best friend. My grandmother described her grief when grandfather died, he was there but he was not there, she was of two minds. It was like she forgot he had died and then she realized he had died, over and over again. It takes time to integrate so many feelings and realizations into each day. First into days, then into weeks, and then into months, the grief and reality of it finally becomes smoother, still not easy.
She found herself wanting to tell him things, or that she thought the noise in the other room was him shuffling around, that something that fell in the basement was him working on something. She talked about what she missed about him and she gained some of her former independent self back after his passing.
Be gentle with yourself.
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