Today's harvest

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Summer here so potatoes all gone. Raspberries made into jam. Strawberry also made into jam and still picking . Picking and freezing peas and beans. Butter and french green. Made a heap of tomato pasta sauce. Cilantro and basil growing madly.

As the representative of NZ gardeners I'm so glad to see your post! A place where harvest season falls in our winter while we are wishing! Thank you.
Summer here so potatoes all gone. Raspberries made into jam. Strawberry also made into jam and still picking . Picking and freezing peas and beans. Butter and french green. Made a heap of tomato pasta sauce. Cilantro and basil growing madly.

Yeah, you're givi9ng us something to look forward to. Every day I look at all my see packets patiently waiting. Nice to see you're off to a good start.
So after not growing at all summer last year, the only thing that's growing now is the parsley. Some of the strawberries survived the deep freeze, but the netting blew off them and the deer ate what didn't die. The rosebush looks dead, the pampas plant looks dead, but the tulips are going berserk. I had 8 last year, this year it looks like I'll have a couple dozen. Naturally, it's because we're going through a warm spell right now. By the weekend, temps are supposed to be down to freezing again. Just in time to kill the tulips.

That thump you just heard was my head hitting the desk.
I feel like I'm that annoying friend who is always trying to show you pictures of their kids, but here is another picture my mushrooms. The lemon is for size reference. The bowl its huge. Mostly Pioppino Mushrooms , with a few oyster clusters. Probably will make marinated mushrooms and mushroom barley soup.


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So after not growing at all summer last year, the only thing that's growing now is the parsley. Some of the strawberries survived the deep freeze, but the netting blew off them and the deer ate what didn't die. The rosebush looks dead, the pampas plant looks dead, but the tulips are going berserk. I had 8 last year, this year it looks like I'll have a couple dozen. Naturally, it's because we're going through a warm spell right now. By the weekend, temps are supposed to be down to freezing again. Just in time to kill the tulips.

That thump you just heard was my head hitting the desk.

Pampas grass used to be popular here. I don't see it that much, anymore. It is invasive, so it is banned in some places in the US.

I'm another that always loves to hear about those things! I want to know more about those pioppino mushrooms, to hear about the flavor, as well as production. And maybe how well they dry, if you try that. Some mushrooms don't really dehydrate well, while others are better dried! If I were going to try any of these varieties, I'd love to hear all your experiences with them. As well as all those other things you grow!
One fungus I would like to figure out how to grow is huitlacoche. Anybody ever grow this before?
Had to look it up... LOL Corn Smut! LOL

With all this talk - I just ordered two kits. One with with Elm Oyster and the other Chestnut. Don't think I'll grow them at the same time. I'll start them separately. Don't want to take the chance it would be TWO bumper crops.

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