Jalapeno, Mini Peppers, Bok Choy

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Any suggestions for cooking these up together?

I'm one of those people who cannot resist those little mini colourful sweet peppers.
LOL - that's the only thing I could think of too! LOL
Was just wondering if there was another suggestion.

I was also thinking of pan roasting them but steaming the leafy part of the bok choy separately. It's a large bok choy, one leaf usually goes into whatever I'm cooking at the time and it's plenty.
LOL - that's the only thing I could think of too! LOL
Was just wondering if there was another suggestion.

I was also thinking of pan roasting them but steaming the leafy part of the bok choy separately. It's a large bok choy, one leaf usually goes into whatever I'm cooking at the time and it's plenty.
What about spring rolls, with some sort of protein and shredded carrot (and/or other ingredients) inside as well? Or if the bok choy leaves are big enough, an Asian-style cabbage roll?
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GG, think yuh dun found me somepin'. Not all my ingredients are exact but close! I have some store Mushroom Ravioli, a couple of Roma's, lots of Basil, have a goat cheese log (but no feta - I know it's not the same but we'll see what happens)!
GG, think yuh dun found me somepin'. Not all my ingredients are exact but close! I have some store Mushroom Ravioli, a couple of Roma's, lots of Basil, have a goat cheese log (but no feta - I know it's not the same but we'll see what happens)!
I posted it hoping it would inspire you put something together with what you have! Sounds like it worked! 😁
You did GG and so I did them last night. Not a complete success and needs a lot of tweaking. On the other hand, not a complete failure either. I reduce greatly as I was using a smaller 6 x 8 dish.
Need to reduce the liquid by a LOT. I used barely a cup and was still extremely liquid.
The oil and vinegar coating - could really taste the vinegar aspect of it which I found rather distracting. I used Balsamic instead of Sherry. Next time might just use Sherry instead of vinegar.
1 Roma (on the large side) was perfect, sliced lengthwise in 8ths
I had refrigerated Mushroom Ravioli - great. But perhaps the smaller tortelinni would have absorbed more liquid (although there was a reviewer's comment on there being too much liquid also.)
I had to sub goat cheese for the feta. I know it changes the flavour profile but I don't think it was for the worse - just different.
Basil was fine and a good flavour component. Might add a few torn leaves into the body of the dish next time. (love basil)

I think the part of the whole dish was the excess liquid which spoiled it the most.
Perhaps a creamy sauce might have been better?
What say you all?
You did GG and so I did them last night. Not a complete success and needs a lot of tweaking. On the other hand, not a complete failure either. I reduce greatly as I was using a smaller 6 x 8 dish.
Need to reduce the liquid by a LOT. I used barely a cup and was still extremely liquid.
The oil and vinegar coating - could really taste the vinegar aspect of it which I found rather distracting. I used Balsamic instead of Sherry. Next time might just use Sherry instead of vinegar.
1 Roma (on the large side) was perfect, sliced lengthwise in 8ths
I had refrigerated Mushroom Ravioli - great. But perhaps the smaller tortelinni would have absorbed more liquid (although there was a reviewer's comment on there being too much liquid also.)
I had to sub goat cheese for the feta. I know it changes the flavour profile but I don't think it was for the worse - just different.
Basil was fine and a good flavour component. Might add a few torn leaves into the body of the dish next time. (love basil)

I think the part of the whole dish was the excess liquid which spoiled it the most.
Perhaps a creamy sauce might have been better?
What say you all?
I'm sure I've tweaked it quite a bit, too. I think goat cheese is a great alternative - it's even creamier and meltier than feta. I use red wine vinegar because it's my favorite. Did you reduce the amount of vinegar along with the broth? I wouldn't think 1 1/2 teaspoons would be too much, although I am a vinegar fiend 😈 lol And I add un-marinated artichoke hearts if I have them.
I honestly don't remember but it is entirely possible the vinegar is my error. It is certainly not a bad recipe I will probably do it again. Thanks again for the link!
I'll check my cupboard for more add-ins, like artichoke hearts!
What about if you sauteed the peppers (dice or in thin slices) with some onion and garlic until softened, then fried up some perogies with that until browned, then added the chopped up bok choy at the end, stirring it in until it was just softened?
That's what I was thinking.

Yes, stir fry is my first thought, too.

Keep in mind, you can do a stir fry without using traditional SE Asian oils and seasonings. That opens up some options. I have used my wok to make stir fried veggies with Cajun flavors that are very tasty.

First thought was stir fry, 2nd thought some form of quiche or pie.
Saute ingredients plus maybe onion, garlic and other spices.
Cool. Mix with eggs (add cheese if you like)
Make dough (I like yoghurt dough, doesn't need parbaking. Same amount of flour and yoghurt by weight)
Spread out dough, fill with mixture and bake
Any suggestions for cooking these up together?

I'm one of those people who cannot resist those little mini colourful sweet peppers.
Maybe you could do a soup. Or add some beef to finely chopped sauteed peppers, add onion, roll them up in a bok choy leaf.
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