Possible shortages this winter in the US

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008

Shortages this winter, ..
Diet Pepsi
Hazel nuts
Car Parts
Oats (crop fails)
Aluminum cans
jam (sugar)
vinegar (not profitable enough)
coffee creamer (due to a change in packaging)
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I believe that we are definitely entering an age or period of scarcity.

Some of it will be inflationary.

People who are forced to spend more on one area of life means there will be less money for other areas of life.

The second will be actual shortages of goods or disruptions in the supply of necessary goods even if money is available to pay for them.

We’ll get through it but it may involve some real changes in the way we live.

The last time this seemed to get much attention was in the mid 70s.
Ahhh....so, that's why vinegar has become so expensive! No profit in it. Makes sense.

I've started up my gardens for herbs and salad greens. Today, I started a bunch of green onions in another hydroponic garden. Not from seed though, I just planted the bottoms of store bought and I'll just harvest the greens as needed.
omg - what a monotonistic(?) voice! very annoying.

The health one is, to me, the most serious of course.
sorry, but I find others rather frivolous. Nothing against the workers who will be put out, don't mean to belittle their situation which is serious, but...
I look at it like, 'how can I get a little ahead of the curve' in making sure we have what we need.
We use a lot of oats for everything, so I doubled my order of them this month to get us through until spring.

I will make more batches of vinegar this fall yet. We still have some fruit on the apple and pear trees (can you believe it?!).

Sugar prices have gone up, we use it for sugar syrup for the bees this fall and fondant for the bees in winter.

Knowing that squash/pumpkin will be in shorter supply/higher price, I'll be more careful with what we have and dehydrate it as it needs to be used if we aren't eating it fresh.
I believe that we are definitely entering an age or period of scarcity.

Some of it will be inflationary.

People who are forced to spend more on one area of life means there will be less money for other areas of life.

The second will be actual shortages of goods or disruptions in the supply of necessary goods even if money is available to pay for them.

We’ll get through it but it may involve some real changes in the way we live.

The last time this seemed to get much attention was in the mid 70s.
I agree with most of the posts above. Not being able to get needed medications cause me the most concern. The scarcity of foods is unsettling, but it won't cause me to lose sleep. I've already noticed changes in the way I live since the pandemic. However, my parents raised me well. Tonight, I made chicken and dumplings out of a rotisserie chicken carcass and leftover chicken and veggies. I had an onion. ;)
90% of the things you worry about never happen, and the other 10% you can't do anything about. Alfred E. Newman had the right attitude.

Absolutely bliss. I'm not saying ignore but to look at it in perspective to your life and not get carried away with the doom and gloom atmosphere that some will turn into conspiracy garbage.

(another post I find after writing it 24 hours earlier, duh,,,)
I would worry about the Ozempic shortage, but I switched to Trulicity because I can get it free fer nuthin.
I had trouble getting Trulicity earlier this year.

It was never made clear if it was a problem with the manufacturer or my pharmacy and its suppliers.

My PCP has been nudging me towards Mounjaro or Ozempic to shake things up.

The best approach for me is to try and lose weight, stay hungry, and get off these new wonder drugs.

It’s difficult to change the habits of a lifetime. 🍕🥯🥖🍝🍔🍪
I recently watched another YouTube video from this same channel and the list of shortages goes on:

Frozen prepared foods
Pet Food
Instant Ramen noodles
Protein Bars
White Rice :eek:
Fresh/perishable produce
Bread & Flour
Canned Goods
Peanut Butter
Bottled Water
Cooking Oil
Potato Flakes
Dairy Products
Meat & Poultry
Clorox products
Macaroni (dried pasta)
Frozen Chicken Nuggets
Corn Chips
Cold & Flu meds
Tomato products

I think we're pretty well stocked on what we use on a regular basis. If something isn't available, well, I'll just have to do without that.
I'm not noticing any shortages in my area yet.

Prices seem stable too.

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